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Thought On The Layout Changes


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The VHL has recently undergone a cosmetic change that has seen forums and topics moved around into different locations, so I figured I'd make my media article for this week about those changes. (Funnily enough this was going to be a VHL.com, but then I realised there were far too many words to not use this for media). 


Beefing up the VHL Hall of Fame


I think this is the one that I'm going to have to get most used to given that I'm one of those who has frequently used the career stats threads for the previous 30 seasons in their old location, but that's not to say it's a bad change by any means. Lumping all the career stuff together in one area is going to make it a lot more user friendly when it comes to research for trivia and, especially if anyone newer winds up taking over with these duties, they'll know where all the pages they have to update are.


Changing Up Point Tasks


VHL.com point tasks have now been moved into the Player Management category with the rest of the weekly point tasks, which is another welcome change. They've also split up VHL.com Graphics and Articles which I also like (I made a player card in January pointing out it was weird that there legitimately wasn't anything inside the forum to suggest player cards go there). Only thing I would say is that it might be worth making a thread within the Supplemental Point Tasks section giving guidelines on how many of these you can do in one week (e.g. you can't do all three of the VHL.com supplemental Point Tasks in one week). 


Career Point Tasks have also got quicker links on the front page, which I like. I understood why they didn't want it like that in the original layout (It would have added far too many sub-links in the point task section), but now they've been given their own sub-forum, it makes more sense. 


The one additional change I would make is moving VHL Trivia from Fantasy to Supplemental Point Tasks. I know Trivia is not exactly like the rest of the supplemental point tasks in that it does have a 1-2 week break at season end, but I think it has a lot more in common with those tasks than those in the VHL Fantasy category (especially now that there is no uncapped TPE associated with Trivia) and putting Trivia in with Supplemental Point Tasks will make it easier for newer members to see what is available to them for their 6 capped TPE from extra point tasks. 


The One Thing I Miss


I don't think this is a recent change (I think it's been gone for a few seasons now), but I would still like to be a finance archive added to the Hall of Fame category containing old finance threads and, if possible, finance sheets for previous portal seasons. For making historical articles, these were good reference material as to why certain moves were made and other fantasy moves couldn't because the salary cap has historically played a big part in the league's transactions. Without that material, it's a lot of guesswork and digging through other threads for context. 

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Yeah, I think the Hall of Fame was very much a case of "OK this makes sense for those of us who are used to everything being spread across 3 different forums" but realistically, it's not a logical way to go about it. Also the league discussion pinned threads were getting out of hand.


6 minutes ago, Tagger said:

but I would still like to be a finance archive added to the Hall of Fame category containing old finance threads and, if possible, finance sheets for previous portal seasons.

This can be arranged for everything held on forum. There's no archive of portal finances though, it either gets wiped each season or is hidden somewhere that only @Josh and @Will would know.



Do agree that trivia being capped probably sits better with other capped tasks and not with uncapped fantasy stuff.

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2 hours ago, Victor said:

This can be arranged for everything held on forum. There's no archive of portal finances though, it either gets wiped each season or is hidden somewhere that only @Josh and @Will would know.


It's full database archives that get made nightly. So we have the data it's just a matter of going back and getting it.

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