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VHL Ramblings


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Hello all of VHL it is Berocka your favourite Australian, well I hope so.


So firstly, I will reveal that VSN Australia Podcasts will be back next week I apologise for the huge wait in between episodes I hope you are all just as keen to listen to it all.


Now I always feel bad sometimes that I am in VSN, when you compare me to the amazing writers and articles that are done each week and the graphic work that is done for them, I feel like my podcasts are not up to the same quality as the articles. I am looking at expanding the podcasts to include more than just interviews so hopefully I can announce that all quite soon.


One idea I have had is just doing a Q & A section where I answer questions about anything and everything, I don't know if people would be interested in that but it gives me content.


I mainly want peoples ideas and suggestions I want to make the VSN podcast great, so let me know what I can do!


Now lets move on to Seattle, it is the team everyone loves to hate, currently we are sitting in 2nd place which is another great result after winning the cup last season. Bana does an incredible job with running the team, he is incredible with his planning and seems to know what we should be doing way to far in advance. Ever since the S68 we have been a competitor and not many GMs have been able to run a team so well. I have some great times with the team and I am hoping we can have more success before we all have to retire.


There are some seasons were I don't really focus on my player and I am here more for the community, this has been one of those seasons. I finally looked at my player and I am surprised with how well he is doing. I think that I am still quite the unknown of the Seattle squad everyone knows of Stark, Hogan and Funk they are the big names I feel like Sundqvist usually gets pushed to the side. I wish that hopefully he can win a prize one season so he isn't just forgotten. However with his name appearing on the Continental cup 3 times is definitely not something to be ashamed of. 


One thing that turns me off the league is the depreciation aspect of the game, you spend weeks earning and earning but you don't do anything you just put them in the bank until you depreciate so you can top your skills back up to where they were originally. 


Lastly I have a suggestion on the portal is the highest earners for the week, month, year. The weekly table is just filled with new creates especially now that they get the late joiner bonus. I think this should be updated so that way you can have a bit of competition and it would help GMs heading into draft time. Maybe no one else looks at it but I do.


Okay I think that is enough rambling for one day, see ya later!

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1 minute ago, Berocka said:

Lastly I have a suggestion on the portal is the highest earners for the week, month, year. The weekly table is just filled with new creates especially now that they get the late joiner bonus. I think this should be updated so that way you can have a bit of competition and it would help GMs heading into draft time. Maybe no one else looks at it but I do.

I THINK @Josh mentioned something about trying to separate starting TPE so if that’s the case he could probably set it up that the weekly leaderboard ignores starting TPE.

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36 minutes ago, Beketov said:

I THINK @Josh mentioned something about trying to separate starting TPE so if that’s the case he could probably set it up that the weekly leaderboard ignores starting TPE.


It's on the list.

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On 6/6/2020 at 8:38 AM, Berocka said:

Lastly I have a suggestion on the portal is the highest earners for the week, month, year. The weekly table is just filled with new creates especially now that they get the late joiner bonus. I think this should be updated so that way you can have a bit of competition and it would help GMs heading into draft time. Maybe no one else looks at it but I do.


Andddddddddddd done.

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