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Recruitment Drive


Later on this season, close to the trade deadline, I'm going to be holding another recruitment drive. Last season, as some of you may remember, the recruitment drive was a resounding failure with us only bringing in 3 or 4 members over the course of roughly a week. Mind you, I threw it together in the matter of a few minutes on an obscure idea. This season, I'll be upping the ante as they say. I'd like to see us get 10 new members during this recruitment drive. Just how the hell are we going to do that when we haven't been able to find a consistent source of recruitment? I have some ideas in mind.


The first thing is offering people a real life reward. Yes, TPE is fine and dandy and all, but at the end of the day it hasn't been enough incentive to get people to focus more time on recruiting (which is another pain in my ass as it is). I'd love to hire a bunch of new members to help with recruiting, but there isn't a lot that we seem to be able to constructively do. I've run out of ideas in terms of incentive for recruitment because it is something that is difficult to do. Once you're here it's hard to go out of the league and talk about it. So hopefully the real life awards will be more enticing to members to get in the habit of recruiting.




It was suggested we give away a copy of the new NHL '15 game as a prize. I will be doing this or something similar during the summer when I'll be running a month long recruitment drive. How that will work is that anyone who gets a recruit over the month of August or July (whichever) will be entered into a prize draw to win. If they are drawn they will have the choice of taken the prize money or donating it back to the league in exchange for the TPE related rewards that come with it. We'll see what happens because some people like me would rather take the TPE incentive as opposed to a video game I won't play.


During this season I'm going to be doing a two week recruitment drive where everything is double the reward for the recruit - So the Do You Post on Other Forums Thread will be doubled, any recruitment will count for double the reward, etc. Moreover, there will be a $25 real life prize allocated to the winner in the form of a gift certificate. They will alternatively be able to donate the money back. Again, my goal will be to bring 10 new members in a two week span. Who the hell knows if that is possible or not?




Recruitment is a fickle beast indeed and although we have what I believe is the strongest sim league running, it is still a real pain in the ass to bring new members in. For sure I think there is a bias around here to reward older members with jobs, which I think is a real bad thing. We should be making sure newer members are given a job as soon as possible if they want one. Imagine how difficult it is to come in here and start up already at such a disadvantage. I think we've improved things, but still we have a lot of work to do with how shitty the VHLM continues to be. Let's put some more effort into the retainment process for new members. A number of new members have requested a mentor to help them out in getting used to the league. Perhaps that is something we should seriously explore?


Until next time, that's all for me. If you have any ideas or you want a job in the recruitment crew post here. In fact, I'll give any member who gives me a real idea toward recruitment 1 TPE. Just give me some good feedback. I'm all ears.



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For funzies we should post on real job places and craigs list job postings for us looking for amateur hockey players in the 16-22 age range looking to get a tryout in the VHLM.

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Mike is on to something. What about OHL, WHL and Q message boards (I don't expect TPE) but I think the standard NHL boards grow tired of us. The CHL has a young following as well.

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Fallen under the radar but since you've taken over the head of the recruitment crew and started organizing/championing tons of ideas our recruitment has been steadily good. Sure it's been quiet and nobody makes a big noise about it, but drafts are consistently getting better, first gens are consistently staying more active or earning more TPE. Solid job and glad to see more of this continuing. 

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Fallen under the radar but since you've taken over the head of the recruitment crew and started organizing/championing tons of ideas our recruitment has been steadily good. Sure it's been quiet and nobody makes a big noise about it, but drafts are consistently getting better, first gens are consistently staying more active or earning more TPE. Solid job and glad to see more of this continuing. 

I don't believe there has been substantive change yet, perhaps my review of reality is slanted on this subject.

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Have you guys tried Reddit yet? It's a very powerful tool and will recruit many if we can get our members to 'like' the post (I'm not sure how it works in Reddit, don't own an account).

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  • Admin

Have you guys tried Reddit yet? It's a very powerful tool and will recruit many if we can get our members to 'like' the post (I'm not sure how it works in Reddit, don't own an account).

we did and it was good, but Reddit didn't like us much.

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Guest Svoboda_3

Content: 3/3

671 words. I thought this was filled with great angles and ideas to further push the recruitment process. I'm certainly not great at this area, but regardless of reward or not, I will certainly help out and try my best. I've bothered you for former member emails and such and having sent them out, I haven't had much luck in terms of even one response. I plan on printing out a healthy stack of business type cards and either leaving them at the hockey game here in PA to be given out, or handing them out myself. The cards would have the logo, link and a small message or something.

Grammar: 2/2

I didn't find anything.

Appearance: 1/1

Nothing fantastic, but for the type of MS this is, it's not really required for it to be all jazzed up.

Overall: 6/6

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