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Angellini Interview - Hounds Playoff Push


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After a grueling few weeks, the VHLM Playoffs are upon us. Only a few weeks ago, the Hounds were rolling, rattling off wins and flying high. But, with a few missteps and close games, the Hounds hit a rough patch of games and dropped some important games along the way. Entering the playoffs, the Hounds are seeded 3rd in the East with post-season play beginning Saturday, 6/27.


Reporter: "It's been a rocky few weeks but Mississauga has made the playoffs, how are you and the team prepping for tough post-season competition?"


PA: "Same as any other week, really. The boys are grinding out tough practices and pushing themselves to be better. I think over the last few weeks we have learned a lot as a squad and we are stronger for it. Heading into post-season with a good mindset."


Reporter: "The Hounds had a bit of a rough patch towards the end of the season. What would you attribute this to?"


PA: "Just fundamentals. Small mistakes. All the games we have lost recently have been by 1 or 2 goals. A loose puck here, soft defense there. Small mistakes that can be corrected. As long as we give Tonner @MexicanCow123 a solid effort I believe he can keep us in a game with anyone."


Reporter: "Now that the regular season has come to an end, do you think you have achieved your personal goals this season?"


PA: "We definitely improved as a team across the board. Mac @LastOneUp joined me on the 2nd Line a few weeks back and has been raking. I think he has something like 130 Points?! Dude has been on fire. And JaredN @jared centering the top line ended up with 114 points. We have been pushing hard and I think it showed towards the end. My other linemate, Brewitt @JBrew42, challenged himself in the late season and ended up contributing more. I think, as a team, we have a serious chance to contend for the Founder's Cup."


Reporter: "Your GM @ColeMrtz rounded out the roster with some late additions in Lee Xin @Blazzer and Lexi Glass @AW13. How do you feel about the Hounds overall?"


PA: "We are a tight squad. We chirp each other at practice and between games and try to keep it light and have fun all while focusing on the task at hand. I think Lee @Blazzer and Lexi @AW13 have fit in great and are working hard to help the team, just like the rest of us. We have a tough job ahead of us in post-season and its great to have fresh legs to chip in"


Reporter: "Best of luck to the Hounds in the post-season. Anything else to say to the fans?"


PA: "Keep an eye on us. We may be the underdog you're looking for."



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