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Simon T gets too much hate


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Now I have your attention don't I. You have clicked on this ready to blow me up in the comments about how it's a shit simulator and there is so many better options. All I ask is you hear me out then curse me out below!


Most people know by now that I am Australian, I am from a country that plays very little ice hockey. I am from a country that people know very little about American sports in general. New York Yankees and LA Dodger caps are a fashion statement and no one knows that they are a baseball team, you see people walking around in Oakland Raiders gear and most basketball teams. Though you stop and take notice when once in a blue moon you see someone in a hockey jersey. So when I fell in love with the simulator life I immediately started looking for simulators in sports that I grew up with. Unfortunately they do not exist. This has led me to start creating my own simulator for Cricket, I know nothing about coding so I decided to do it in excel it has taken me months to complete it. Even now I do not know if it is done, if it will actually work as an engine. All I know is that I have spent way to many man hours trying to get it to function. 


So, you might all be asking what does this have to do with Simon T. Well, I have created the simulator with the sole purpose of trying to get a cricket sim league running and make it a thing. I have the most experience with leagues like the VHL so I am making it run under similar conditions, with players starting at 40 TPA in each ability and applying more tpe on a sliding scale from their. So if someone went and took my simulator and tried running a Cricket GM mode out of it, it would not work. That is because it wasn't designed that way. Sure it would function and you would get results but it probably wouldn't fit their needs very well. 


STHS and the VHL seems like a round peg in a square hole situation, though it isn't a square hole its more of a Hexadecagon hole, sure for most of it, it is a great fit but there is always going to be some problems. Also it is a simulator that is built on a certain amount of randomness. If the better team won every time no one would want to play as you could guess the sim results before they even happened.


Look what I am trying to say essentially is that sign up for the cricket sim. No, but seriously the STHS is a great simulator that fills the majority of our needs sure it has little quirks but that is what makes it fun. The fact that people still don't know what a perfect build path is, that is great. It means people have more ability to create the player they want. The problem is everyone wants to make a hall of famer, we need to change that mindset. Everyone can't build a Wayne Gretzky as it is the rarity that makes these players great. Go into your career knowing that you will be a 3rd line player some times, you will work your way up. You won't always win awards but we are all here to have fun together. Without Simon this site would be different.


Thank you Simon for making a great simulator and letting us all have fun together.

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5 minutes ago, Berocka said:

No, but seriously the STHS is a great simulator that fills the majority of our needs sure it has little quirks but that is what makes it fun.

busch beer GIF by Busch

Someone finally gets it. STHS is not perfect but it’s the most perfect option available to us. 

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I had never heard of sim leagues before VHL and I think it’s a goddamn miracle that we can replicate such a complicated game like hockey. 

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I got bamboozoled.


I mean despite howmuch i hate certain things about how STHS is programmed, end of the day I can't do any better anyways. But that doesn't mean I can't rant about it certainly. Certainly improvements could be made (like how points are distributed for one).


Anyways its a wall of text with some good thoughts. Not much in formatting other than spacing here, no pictures. The thoughts are fair and you touch on good points but it did kind of require some effort to read in terms of enjoyment.



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