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Claimed:Recruitment Drive Successful


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Recruitment Drive


Over the past ten or so days we've seen a rush of Season 40 draftees enter the league. Whether they are coming from new sources, whether they are being brought back by other members or whether they are recreating, this bodes well for the league. The main focus over the past ten days was to recruit new members, of which we recruited seven to ten. I can't tell anymore since some of the created player threads have been moved. As many have probably noticed, the Season 40 VHL Entry Draft is looking to be strong at this point.


The recruitment drive had a simple concept: Recruit a new member and you get entered into a chance at a reward. This season I upped the ante by putting a real life prize into the mix. The first prize will be equivalent to $25 which is a nice incentive to do some real recruiting. With various forum prizes also in the mix I thought this would act as good motivation. Part way through Green brought back a member and asked if he could get credit in the draw for it. I said yes because (in my opinion) recruiting is also about retention. If we can get new members retained once their first player is gone, we're succeeding.




We have a flock of returning members such as Nibbz, Taron, Cuffy and Equilibrium. Whether or not these recruits have much of anything to do with the recruitment drive, I don't know, but they are back in the league for the time being and many have a history of being very productive members with good players. I'm excited to see more people like these return to the league and make an impact yet again. I'm also excited to see the new members who have come in and find their groove. I know it's difficult to come in and get started right off the hop, but we've made some changes over time to make the transition easier.


One major thing that has been successful has been the new member survey that we've been doing with all new members who come here. Draper sends out a brief survey via e-mail/PM and we've been getting a pretty decent response rate. In return, the new member gets 5 free TPE. We've also added some other neat incentives for new members like the VHLM training camp for all new members. The long standing three weeks of point tasks doubled also helps. We've also taken steps to improve the pay for VHLM General Managers to help retain their prospects, though I think more can be done.


As the summer is upon us, this is a prime time to be recruiting. Some people are gone during the summer, me included (especially now that I'm an adult), but many potential younger members have a lot of time. As you've likely noticed, our population is seemingly getting older as we age. I'd like to target the teenage demographic more again as they can add a lot to the league. The more you recruit, the more clear it becomes that more work needs to be done. I'm still searching for reliable outside sources to post on about our league. NHL hockey forums seem promising at this point, but in order to do that we have to have an in.


Is there anyone here with an active account on other NHL forums out there? Tell me and I'll give you TPE and put you to work.



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For anyone looking at Sterling's last sentence, here is some insight.


I have an account on the Devils forum and on the Canucks forum. Since no one really talks on the Devils forum, not much has resulted. However the Canucks.com forum has pulled in 10 guys. If everyone here made an informative post in their respected teams area, we could pull in 5 from 10+ fan bases and have another 50 members!

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Recruitment drive has been great so far nice work everyone.


Just one thing I disagree with you though. I don't think VHLM GMs should need tpe incentives to keep their players active (that's the whole point of the job). It's like paying someone money every time they stop at a stop sign. 

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Recruitment drive has been great so far nice work everyone.


Just one thing I disagree with you though. I don't think VHLM GMs should need tpe incentives to keep their players active (that's the whole point of the job). It's like paying someone money every time they stop at a stop sign. 

I'd pay money so everyone stopped a stop sign, especially in Vancouver where people don't know how to drive.

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  • Senior Admin

Yes. Too many pedestrians are hit here, we are the worst for it!

Idk man there has been like 60 pedestrian accidents in halifax so far this year lol

But yeah I don't think VHLM GMs should be paid..they know what they are signing up for

Edited by Draper
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Guest Svoboda_3

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582 words. VHLM GM's get paid? I wasn't aware. Regardless, I've tried like a motherfuckerjones to acquire emails and such to try and get my team active, as well as trying to bring back older members. I don't know what it is, but for the life of me, I can't find success, although I'm not about to quit trying either. Great Media Spot about the recruitment process.

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