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Elsby’s Pro Playoff Adventures, Still will never understand my draft experience WHY a 1st round ranked player with not ONE single VHL draft interview :/ Not salty just confused and want to talk bout it VSN COME AT ME

Spence King

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The S74 Playoffs have come to an end, another amazing run with Helsinki, Two season in the VHL and two Finals appearances. As a 1st gen user and let alone a sophomore, making it to the Finals two years in a row in the pros. Not to mention in the newly expanded VHL with more teams than ever making the long journey of a 72 Game season with a broader ranger of talent and intensive travel schedule. Ultimately leading for the most competitive and the most illustrious trophy in hockey winning the VHL playoffs. After a long 72 games working together with your brothers and sisters working towards a playoff spot, not everyone even makes the playoffs so winning during the season and progressing is essential. “As ive always said the season is practice for the real games.. the playoffs.”- Quoted Elsby. In the VHLM Elsby put his work where his words are , as always. As Co-Captain of the S72 Philly Reapers with current Titan teammate @Big BobBob Helminen, Elsby with the aid of an amazing and S72 Reapers roster for the History Books put together by @DMaximuswith future and now current VHL stars and VHLM award winners League leading scorer @Spade18, S73 VHLM Playoff MVP @Jer_Lefebvre superstar two time VHLM Top goaltending award winner @CrlineDijohn14JohnPoremba along with other rookie sensations for example Elsby aka Spence King’s first waiver signing as a AGM 1st gen user and taking him under  his wing @KaleebtheMightyVictorGrachev, a now VHL ROTY. Along with two time VHLM 1st All Team Members brought from S71 Ottawa Lynx Founders Cup Championship squad key members with the VHLMS top sniper Big Chungus and more recently traded in the post S74 VHL playoff Pre S75 VHL Draft Blockbuster trade involving s74 VHL leading scorer @Patrik Tallinder deal to Calgary without a doubt one of the best defenseman in VHLM history the one and only @Mike Defenz Mann.  The Roster was studded with talent, However the bounces didn’t go the Reapers way and there record book season for @dmaximus ended in the conference finals  Candidate In two seasons now as a pro Elsby has a combined 35 Playoff games of experience. In his rookie season Elsby scored the series clinching Game winning goal against the powerhouse Riga en-route to the underdog Helsinki Titans 4-0 sweep in the European Conference Finals. Only later to have our hearts crushed in a devastating overtime loss to the Seattle bears in a heated Finals series. [Just noticing now that there is one common factor in Elsby’s playoff dreams being crushed in S72 and S73 when all felt right , Timothy brown was there in Saskatoon to end the Conference finals with an amazing assist for the GWG in OT of Game 7 before leading the Wild to a Founders Cup. The following season Brown would go on again to be there in Seattle to crush Helsinki and Elsbys Title hopes in S73.



74 (HSK) 18 4 14 18 3 42 18 30 34 0 0 0
73 (HSK) 17 5 10 15 9 42 24 30 31 2 2 0
Totals 35 9 24 33 12 84 42 60 65 2 2 0


This was Elsby’s first taste of VHL Playoff action and he came he saw and he proved to the entire VHL this big 16 year old from Eastern Espoo has been giving it his all and watching and working SO hard to get #47 in the rafters in Helsinki. From day one Elsby was greeted by one Titan specifically, a moment I will never forget… To be honest at the time I still had never even participated in the VHFL and had only been a member of VHLM/VHL community for 1 season and knew virtually NOTHING about anything about the VHL organizations and honestly couldn’t name every team in the VHL if you had a knife to my throat.

However, moments after being drafted the first Titan to contact me (other than the myth the legend @jubo who recruited me to the VHL site and with the crazy S72 draft was able to snag myself and my childhood idol VV ? :fire [That’s a VHL.com Article for another week lol @VSN if you want to interview me about my experience and the incredible draft night story it was and has lead to amazing career so far?])



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