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John Callahan Jr


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Review: The color scheme is great and works for the whole graphic with the blend of reds, blacks, and whites. The addition of the logos is seamless looks as if it was already part of the players jersey. The separation background graphic really adds to the layering. I really like the font used also.


Score: 10/10

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Not sure who John Callahan Jr. is, but he must be good if he has an Olofsson render. I like the text, if flows into the sig without being too overpowering. Colour swap solid too, you can barely tell that it used to be a Sabres jersey. Idk what is going on in the background, but I must say, it looks nice. I would totally rock this sig. My only knock is that there seems to be a rough cutout on the render? Maybe it was an intentional thing, but I don't think it hurts the sig that much nonetheless. 9.25/10

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17 minutes ago, dlamb said:

Not sure who John Callahan Jr. is, but he must be good if he has an Olofsson render. I like the text, if flows into the sig without being too overpowering. Colour swap solid too, you can barely tell that it used to be a Sabres jersey. Idk what is going on in the background, but I must say, it looks nice. I would totally rock this sig. My only knock is that there seems to be a rough cutout on the render? Maybe it was an intentional thing, but I don't think it hurts the sig that much nonetheless. 9.25/10


By the time i realized the rough cutout I was too far gone to go back hahaha

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