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S38 Super Cup Index


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I'm gonna push the Super Cup premiere to tomorrow.  Just finished the rosters and such (you should be able to look at them in the index*), but I want to update everyone yet, and I may as well give GMs time to email me lines with the newly posted client file.


*If not then TA-DAAAA!  Let me know if there's anything incorrect. 

Edited by JardyB10
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Same shit different arcehole.  That's beautiful.


Also, can someone post the games for me?  I have to jump into a lion's den.  Here's the template:

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  • Senior Admin


Same shit different arcehole.  That's beautiful.


Also, can someone post the games for me?  I have to jump into a lion's den.  Here's the template:


I'm all over it.

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Also just to note, Round 1 of playoffs start tomorrow.  It's best 2/3, so I'll sim the first two games right after work, and then if it's needed, Game 3 will come some time later, depending on what time the former is.

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