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DAV/QUE ; S38 off-season


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Davos Receives

S40 4th Round Pick (QUE)


Quebec Receives

(S37) RW - Azmet Ali



Frank must send me a half used blow up doll, if he does, I must send him nudes of Edgar in return. If neither of these things happen, the S40 4th remains a S40 4th. If these things happen, the S40 4th still remains a S40 4th.


Davos accepts.

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To be honest, I was really excited to crack the Davos lineup.


The (presumably) bigger role in Quebec seems very exciting, though. I don't know what to expect from this season.

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gawd dammit. azi will be missed. how come no one asked me my opinion?


i think i've at least earned for my opinion to be heard with my non-stop hard working attitude et al

do a point task you little butterball you.

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Frank should have offered more, that terrible person.

Two 1sts. At least.


I'm just happy I didn't have to give him a blow job. Blow up doll is bad enough. 

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