It has long been swirling in my mind but a brief run-in with @Knight of all people in the chat consolidated one thought:
Likes and chat are a detriment to VHL activity.
It is no secret that now 48 seasons in, the VHL is not as active as it once was. Although also not quite as inactive as it briefly was once but that's a whole different story. The move to this, third website, slowed things down briefly but then bounced back with the S40 draft and for 4-5 seasons after that. Recently, activity has gone downhill again.
Now, likes are not a new addition to the VHL but they weren't really a thing before this website, so S35. There was no like system on the very first website (S1-S23) and a pretty shitty one on the second, which meant that if people did appreciate a post they usually quoted it or replied with a or Not brilliant activity but it was something. However, likes are very rewarding and ego-stroking, so I can't pinpoint the issue on them.
The real culprit is chat. Now, chat is actually an older beast than likes, or at least likes in their current form. We had some form of the Facebook chat thing at the bottom since the start of the 2nd site in S24 until it got murdered for reasons when this site got upgraded. The replacement is less than satisfactory – you can still chat to people individually but only if they're in the big chatbox. And if they're in the big chatbox, they're too busy chatting shit that they could really be posting on the boards.
I propose we murder chat and likes.