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Everything posted by boubabi

  1. censorship much it's not like we were showing hardcore porn or something, it's just some booty. But anyway, I'll respect that rule, but fuck you whoever still live in 1920.
  2. So what's your opinion? Will the flyers be good or nah?
  3. I don't know if it would requires too much work for you, but it would be a new roster everyweek. Every week, we will have to fill a 5 man roster (3 forwards, 2 defensemen, 1 GK) and a X million cap to follow. But, we would need to fill specific set of requirements every week. As for example, every week would have 3 random requirements to follow. Requirement could be anything really. It could be "You need a player who has 2 of the same letter in his last name" "A player within his rookie contract" "A player from a specific region", " A player from a certain team" "A player with a specific rating", "A player with a specific weight or below a specific height" etc. It would come to creativity from there. So people would have to search a bit if some players enters in a specific requirement and trying to make the best combination within the rules and the cap space.
  4. Yeah, I might need some more writers
  5. They have an OK club...minus having an AHL goaltender in front of the net.
  6. yeah, who cares about the vhlm, we'll just sim during the off season if needed. DO IT JARDY
  7. a forward. Subban Markov 1st pair Fleischman Petry 2nd pair
  8. Sure, there's just no structure. No more Nathan Beaulieu on the PP plz
  9. maybe if we had in mind that PK Subban isn't the only one who can shoot in our PP, maybe we would have even more success.
  10. He's capable of, for sure. He needs to shoot more though. Maybe a better power play would help his personal stats.
  11. Semin 2 goals He was lucky to have one last game
  12. If it was Carey Price in net maybe...but it's Condon Still, Condon >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Torkarski
  13. We aren't performing good vs the Sabres lately
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