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Everything posted by boubabi

  1. file too big
  2. Good win vs DET
  3. Ncaa recruiting system for the VHLM = the gm that put the most effort is rewarded = Winning
  4. But fuck your vhlm contraction. Just do more recruiting.
  5. Bath Salt until things are getting better. That's what I do.
  6. gg
  7. I expect the habs to be 82-0-0
  8. Look at this photograph.
  9. I don't mind the chat system being gone too. A community chat would do the trick. just my opinion though. Skin isn't really an issue tho.
  10. oh sure, half of my statements are clearly jokes and gorlab makes a statement and you think I'm claiming what he said ? Calm the fuck down. I wrote my " Honest Opinion " XM radio because I often wrote things that could be debated or controversial, that's the point of writing those. Consistently have influxed newer members ? Oh please, you only did that because half of them went inactive and didn't gave a shit about the league anymore, so don't try to make us think there's a legit rotation in the BoG group. I'm not in the BoG, but since when I can't give my fucking opinion ? There you have it, agree with it or not, I don't give a fuck. You can do whatever you want with it, at least I'm not sitting on my ass waiting for things to change. The mid-season BoG report is more about see at least work being done. I'm sure some discussion are made, but us, as a member or community, we would also like to know that something is at least discussed. So we could share our opinion in the mean time and maybe help the BoG to make a good proposition and a better project than it originally was. The league is far from being perfect, so work can always be done.
  11. oh and btw, fuck you devise
  12. The mag doesn't get much attention because you don't give us much thing to talk about. No offense to the team, but when I was contacted to be the VHL Mag editor, I wanted to scrap some of the articles, because they are straight boring. Speaking about 1 member in particular is fun for that member, yes, but most of the time, it's only speaking about stats and there's no personal opinions. Same for those weekly resume that is likely just speaking about what happend without any particular opinion, or something to talk about. I do personally enjoy the Mag no matter what, but I feel like the Mag should be a Players/Members tribune instead of a summary of what happened.
  13. I'm the victim here. Victim of my awesomeness, amirite ?
  14. 1. Everyone in the EU conference that isn't Stockholm 2. Davos 3. Davos again 4. Calgary
  15. and it was SHIT. the BoG should always be working on new things, I mean, you chose those persons to represent and create new discussions. It looks like an old boys club atm.
  16. its surely my fault
  17. Speaking of avatars We need bigger avatars
  18. #dothehailhitler #2015 #trending
  19. I endorse this message
  20. 1. IP Board 4.1 2. More tities and asses 3. A GM in Bern 4. Custom skins for each individual team 5. Re host the Cut Gallery 6. Stockholm to get back their S46 1st 7. A weekly podcast of 3 persons somehow knowing their stuff and being entertaining. 8. A new avatar for Draper that doesn't have a shit ton of exposure. 9. More drama 10. More teenagers 11. More members 12. Innovations <--- Looking at you, commishes and fake commish (Victor) 13. Mid-Season BoG report 14. Squinty/Koradek 15. A better Canadian dollar 16. S45 MVP trophy revoked. Just do it.
  21. mp2 format ?
  22. I will listen to that............noaw
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