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Everything posted by boubabi

  1. haha
  2. haha
  3. see ? You close your own arguments see ya later, 3rd strike
  4. tpe for claimed for doing nothing ? your attempt is miserable maybe I need to rub it in your face a little bit more. Aw shit I can't do that anymore, the last time I did that, you went to papa devise and cried about it
  5. yeah sure, in your dream its funny how you never tried to explain the reason for that asterisk maybe its in your head, who knows
  6. Yes, if the question was 2nd all time Don't cry kendrick, you'll get better with numbers with time
  7. Player Name: Cornerstone VHL Team: Hel Cash you have: 27m Purchase Name: VHL.com/Radio Upgrade, Point Task Upgrade Cost of Purchase: 4M Cash Left: 23 Player Name: Ron VHL Team: hel Cash you have: 8,5 Purchase Name: VHL.com/Radio Upgrade, Point Task Upgrade Cost of Purchase: 4M Cash Left: 4,5
  8. good taste m8
  9. it's 1585 tpe for karnage
  10. Hello
  11. X2 time more shots ???
  12. the true mvps
  13. more like, the over performer of the year amirite along with luigi de rossi, Alex Thrower and AK47
  14. you can't have opinions here street. its illegal
  15. the old school beketov is back again anyway, to claim my saying, edwin encarnacion, James Lefebvre or Jake Wylde would have been better name for the award, because it's more coherent with the current mindset the league has with awards but anyway euh I've said my piece
  16. If you want to make it personal, it's up to you. It's not. However, if you think a ban won't allow me to be recognized, you are either wrong or dumb. Choose one. The fact that I haven't been elected as a builder yet is surprising, but not that much at the same time considering the huge bias against me there currently is in the boys club. Anyway, as I was part of the BoG at the time a possible rename was possible for the awards, it was agreed on that it was also a good opportunity to congratulate a member who did a lot for the league by naming an award for one of his player. But with the current jack sound award, it doesn't make much sense. Actually, it's an indicator on how the award will be. A middle of the tier player who will be in a favorable team to inflate his stats (like shot blocks), which is kinda odd to give an award to that. Like the top pussy award, you actually congratulate someone who doesn't put pts in checking, which we all agreed on was a shit award. I'm not saying the idea behind the top defensive award is bad, I just don't think we have enough information to properly give the award. Do me a favor, and start a discussion in the BoG and name the top defensive D for the last 10 seasons and see if you are alright with the decisions/logic applied to the voting. Because dear god, we know that voting is extremely volatile season to season.
  17. Do you think edgar was loved by everyone on the board? He was very controversial at times. Plus, I wouldnt describe jack sound as an elite player that made HoF. I just find it odd, but the award itself is pretty odd as well. When I think about a defensive D, i think about edwin edcarnacion (whatever his nsame was) who was pretty good defensively. Plus, rewarding YEAH! for his effort in the league would also make more sense. Stop seeing all my comments as attacks, I'm just questioning the decision.
  18. Well thats what im asking
  19. So we agree that edgar contributed to the site as much as any other member who has an award name after? Right?
  20. So its official, we name awards based on individual performance and its not a way to reward individual members, right? If that's not the case, that means that we named an award on edgar, which was a controversial member on the board. Which is nice
  21. Edgar's the real mvp
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