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Everything posted by boubabi

  1. Was jack sound edgar's player?
  2. Edwin would have been proud
  3. 2 rounds of active? You want my 2nd ? Its available for sure
  4. And thats not a good thing. You solely base your rebuild on this season loto pick. It just means you'll get your ass whoop by either toronto or ny during the playoffs and still get a shit pick. Thats not optimal. It just means you waste your rookie contract players on a middle of the road team.
  5. Locke on the block E5
  6. smarch ; my 2nd greatest fan after gorlab
  7. shawn BADZKY AH AH AH
  8. riga right now @hedgehog337 you thought having devise in your team won't curse your team ?
  9. at least we had more shots
  10. riga lr
  11. gottem
  12. We have JourneyMan and August Gloop fear us
  13. not easy playing vs a .951 goalie
  14. gottem
  15. How disrespectful of Helsinki
  16. Ay Ay Ron, first Top Offensive D and Top Defensive D winner ?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. boubabi


      Plus, a GM said : Cornerstone isn't the best player in the league right now


      Related image



    3. Tyler


      gonna sign with the habs in july

    4. boubabi


      More like JT will sign with the habs


      amirite Montreal Radio shows

  17. 1 ) yes. The whole week I was doing creative shit instead of wasting my fucking time here. But hey, here I am. 2 ) No I haven't. Either there's less opportunity for me to go on a rampage, or other people became less of a pussy. However, my 24h ban from an obvious sarcastic joke about asians doesn't let me think that the league has became less of a pussy. 3 ) Meh. With Michel Therrien we performed well during the season and under perform during the playoff, which cause the team's development to stall for a bit. Now, it's an opportunity to clean the house and give to chance to the Juulsen/Scherbak and cie, which is great. 4) Best thing the commish (will) did in a long time. It raises the league quality and that's a step forward in the good direction
  18. The reign not putting goals This is greaattttt
  19. Stats boost
  20. Im the heart and soul, yes
  21. get gud scrub
  22. 1)He would play on my 2nd line. Has enough offensive tool for that. 2) None. But I've heard you cried my lost so thank you 3. Me no comprendo
  23. Yo, you can also ask me questions if you like sassy respond and sarcasm that can be misunderstood, which could lead to another 24h ban
  24. Ew
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