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Everything posted by boubabi

  1. Yes, I have the worst computer on earth. 2 hours for the flc version who looked like shits and 2 hours for the .mov version Add that to extremely slow internet when uploading. Fuck me
  2. Search and Destroy on Hardcore Yeah right?
  3. Oh, you are Hickey ? Welcome back Jenovah
  4. not bad but we can do better ^^
  5. "You may be the Dynamo, but you aren't greatamo." Take that Dynamo
  6. I found the SHL autocorrect funny and I agree it shouldn't be kept but I only took it as a joke between the "invisible rivalry". Fuck me right ?
  7. BoG proposition : Make like UN. Make members who stay in the group forever and make a rotation of certain amount of member like every 5 seasons
  8. I like it. Font is cool, you could add some light efx to make it pop a bit more but overall, I like it.
  9. shiet you got us with your black magic
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