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Everything posted by boubabi

  1. Yes, I have the worst computer on earth. 2 hours for the flc version who looked like shits and 2 hours for the .mov version Add that to extremely slow internet when uploading. Fuck me
  2. Hello
  3. Hello
  4. Search and Destroy on Hardcore Yeah right?
  5. Oh, you are Hickey ? Welcome back Jenovah
  6. It's original, I like it.
  7. Tyrannosaurus R4kt
  8. Cool particules efx
  9. not bad but we can do better ^^
  10. it's all about being a goalie
  11. Davos may be outofamos against my futur powerhouse.
  12. "You may be the Dynamo, but you aren't greatamo." Take that Dynamo
  13. Happy No reasons to be mad I guess ?
  14. No more Green Man :'(
  15. I found the SHL autocorrect funny and I agree it shouldn't be kept but I only took it as a joke between the "invisible rivalry". Fuck me right ?
  16. BoG proposition : Make like UN. Make members who stay in the group forever and make a rotation of certain amount of member like every 5 seasons
  17. sooo, 2 of those bad boys are coming to Vasteras
  18. I like it. Font is cool, you could add some light efx to make it pop a bit more but overall, I like it.
  19. shiet you got us with your black magic
  20. what a shame
  21. Rig G ? euh
  22. damnit
  23. New Titan ? Are you sure ?
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