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Everything posted by boubabi

  1. Devise hate some hot peppers with sriracha sauce to be on fire like that.
  2. boubabi

    Jamie Cuts

    bit choppy on skates and shoulders
  3. the NHL discussion is filled by habs fans and nucks fans, 2 of the biggest fan base of the NHL. Of course you'll find some comments about the ref. I don't think I blame the refs this year though. Thats not how I deal with it.
  4. some of the habs fans are pussies, and thats a fact for every team fan base. The bigger the fan base is, the more pussies it has.
  5. the bruins being undisciplined isn't new though. If they keep some McQuaids and some Marchands in their team, they are the only one to blame. Playing against a quick team like the habs or the lightning, they will get caught
  6. Lindberg's Consistency : 2/100
  7. but the bruins one still the best one
  8. der meister : I don't hate VAS, probably because I wasn't active at the time People who were new and active = for no reason and we cannot compare this to real life because team in real life doesn't have to relate to their fans base to have a competitive team. In this case, we have to be love, or ''neutral'' at least. It's not normal that 701 who has nothing to do with the Vasteras history, hate the team. Because hating Vasteras was trending by the circlejerk. Personally, I'm neutral I don't really care. I would have kept the eagle but for my team, I saw the hate toward the team in general and it was a no brainer to refuse the occasion to ''remove'' that reputation.
  9. It's all about the GMs recreates
  10. you need to put some paint artworks on it
  11. top 5 worst use of a meme though
  12. IRL ? Which server is that?
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