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Everything posted by boubabi

  1. lets crown this thread : the best thread of the century
  2. boubabi


    meh, considering we can't really see team stats (which player played for which team at what moment), I don't think all 900 are useful
  3. boubabi


    isn't that a good start for individual record ? http://vhlportal.com/STHS/VHL58/VHL58-LeagueRecords.html
  4. Dont be an ass shawn. He might be stuborn but thinking outside the box is often useful/necessary for moving forward. I think it was a fun argument
  5. not quite sure the poll it exactly sums the whole debate but okay, i voted for 2 lines
  6. me right now
  7. even best of 5 seems a lot. Those teams were wildcard, so they were on the edge of being a playoff team. Plus, giving a possible 5 games advantage to players in the wildcard to gain stats make things difficult to analyse the possible playoff MVP. Best of 5 is an option, but I would favor best of 3 to make it short and quick
  8. btw, I've heard it was already discussed, but the wildcard shouldn't be a 4/7. It's too long really. Max 2/3 imo
  9. Real question here, do we even need java anymore ? Or it's like the shockwave player, pretty useless.

    1. Smarch


      i read this as Jala


  10. Thats the spirit
  11. I think it could make things interesting considering I nearly traded that pick in favor of a better chance to compete.
  12. Now you get it
  13. My condolences
  14. @Tyler
  15. False
  16. Yeaa loto pick
  17. Like Jesus Christ, I'm rebirth from the dead spread the word to my disciples
  18. Not really. It's mostly serious talking about an award. Not your type really #amirite
  19. a cancer that DOESN'T EARN TPE is the worst type of cancer. At least he could have been a dick that earns tpe like meeeeeeeeeeeeee
  20. I saw he came back to bash me while I was banned. What a true friend that is punkhippie did he told you how many hookers he fucked that day ?
  21. or you use a vpn from singapore and why are you still hidden. Stop hidding hedgehog, we know you are 24/7 in here
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