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Everything posted by boubabi

  1. @Will dunno if it is, but ay ay ron's rating are off in scoring and defense (80 instead of 90)
  2. Inb4 you reroll shanky you sneaky mofo
  3. *frenchyse cornerstone
  4. remember when emo kids used to say that. I do anyway
  5. yo does the 2 tpe for a conference is for both players ?
  6. Where do you find the best weed Do you miss Vine Whats your go 2 breakfast How's your girlfriend. Still diving in da puss ? How can a scholar like you answer 17 to that question ? You were the chosen one Draper
  7. and they thought I was self centered
  8. makes me cry everytime
  9. maybe krigars won't have a 126 pts season now
  10. edited my post, where my previous 99 scoring (134 placed tpe) would become 93 (5/8). Is that correct ? If so, can you edit it accordingly in my player page ?
  11. Again, not quite sure why this trophy is a public vote but anyway I would go with Locke as I value a 61 goals season more than a 126 pts season (where there's only a 5pts gap). League leader is GWG. Only downside is that he doesn't take faceoffs, and physicality is about the same, so I would give that edge on Krigars. I think Krigars and Locke are the only 2 possible names for this award, considering that it's the most outstanding
  12. Player Name: Franchise CornerstoneVHL Team: HELCash you have: 22.5MPurchase Name: The Jaromir Jagr (Scoring)Cost of Purchase: $6millCash Left: 16.5M @Will is it too late ? and I much tpe do I have if I want to do the free re-roll? to help you out, 99 scoring was 134 tpe (with the last update scale) and it would be 93 (5/8)with the new update scale
  13. That's what I'm saying. There was no indication of what he wanted. Hard to produce something when there's no indication.
  14. Live in 5 https://www.twitch.tv/boubabi1
  15. trying to link what you saying alrighty then, jumping in the bandwagon I see
  16. oh, yes, because the whole recruitment thing is directly linked to my graphics. It's not DT, do you think I'm in sort of a moral obligation to provide graphics to the league ? spoiled little child ? You actually act like one at the moment because you are told "no" by someone. You need to revise your judgement here and slow down
  17. no, because your responds are clueless. But I guess that's your thing
  18. you don't seem to understand bitcoins as well good luck with your recruitment
  19. are you afraid to spend virtual TPEs to people ? A resource that is infinite ?
  20. so since gfx makers are rare....they will receive less tpe for their work ? not quite sure you get the principle of rarity and the offer/demands market thats why they are called tpe opportunities...
  21. ''the winner will receive tpe'' that is vague af and no yo uweren't clear. There's no indication what message you want t ogive, if there's a text or not, what mood. Literally nothing
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