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Everything posted by boubabi

  1. yeah
  2. Leading in pts
  3. Jack Sound Nicklas Lindberg Anatoli Zhumbayev That resume the game
  4. yea baby
  5. it me on chat for the answer
  6. James deennnnnnnn
  7. damn, imgur just learn me how he died
  8. boubabi


    Yeah bud! Futur teammate for the next WC
  9. Spoiler, don't highlight I'm pretty sure it's Sansa fault
  10. Thanks Riga
  11. Your pronunciation of Meute in french is good
  12. boubabi

    Jamie Cuts

    larsson wasn't already cutted by Moholt ?
  13. name on other forum : boubabi Name of the other forum : USFL Direct link : http://theusfl.jcink.net/index.php?showtopic=521
  14. Good game legion
  15. Talking of JacMac He scored today
  16. Interesting new 4-4-2 with Macjac But colin warner and romero playing is a bit an awfull decision by Frank Klopas
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