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Everything posted by boubabi

  1. Lindberg :j I've made a lethonen cut so if you make me a sig, I'll do a sig for you too !
  2. Joffery's mother is a pure bitch But it's hard to evaluate someone when they are wearing weird shit imo
  3. Can i post my video after the deadline and receive the TPE prices too ? Mine is a bit long to make.
  4. This could be right a late first rounder or an early second rounder. Thomas is so nice to watch and so explosive with his speed. Pure oregon player.
  5. thomas won't be a 1st rounder. He wasn't a gamechanger at oregon this year imo.
  6. I wouldn't use my first pick to draft him imo De'anthony Thomas second round pick for the eagles
  7. thanks ! edit : I think it's more a maxi then a loblaws. Maxi has the same interface like superstores
  8. never though this game would be so hard to find for a great price
  9. There is no superstore in quebec I'll look at their website a bit more if I can order that from there
  10. Since I live in Canada, shipping is way too expensive to make a great deal out of ebay or amazon
  11. Where should I buy NHL 14 this is the question
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