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Everything posted by boubabi

  1. Damn this is nice. Love the text
  2. For my motion graphic video for VHL, I'll be presenting the VHL team for a couple of seconds and I'll put a special sound to it. I want you to tell me what sound are you thinking when you see the logo. An exemple : Vasteras iron Eagle : An Eagle Cry.
  3. If someone is interest about doing a motion graphic video with me, PM me ! If what I'm thinking to do works, I'll need some vocals too (to explain shits and stuff)
  4. too close good game though
  5. 99 passing still doing hat tricks
  6. 87 Express vs HC Dynamo 88 Americans vs Meute 89 Bears vs Titans 90 Legion vs Iron Eagles
  7. The font could have been lower but this is greay in general. Great manip
  8. render fx are really nice but font stand out too much. maybe something less...visible
  9. 1) What is your hobby right now 2) why did you start photoshop 3) who inspired you the most in your life 4) Would you recommand Vancouver (living in Vancouver) for a french canadian ?
  10. not feeling this one :\ the blood line is very distracting. the splatter behing karlsson looks lq. In colour, this could be better.
  11. original. the wave efx is kind of strange but the font is good. You could add more but it's a great start.
  12. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nk2ijjpmw44
  13. Because you have a solid group of active members so, in my opinion, FA thinks that there is no spot available.
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