Since I've seen some interest about starting the VHLM mag, but not that much, I was having an idea for this. Well, this is simple. Whenever you want to do a quality article about the VHLM, the writer send me his article via PM and it'll be in the next edition of the mag. The VHLM mag section will be free access to every member and if they want to do an article for this week, they can post their interest in a thread. If you did an article but i've not enough articlse to do a complet edition of the Mag, I'll post a thread where I write the member who did an good article so they can claim their 7 TPE. Their article will be posted in the next edition but, they cannot claim it next week ( I don't know if you get want I mean). This looks very difficult to explain (first because I'm french and my english is very bad and because this looks like a complex idea).
If I can resume my idea :
Everybody can do an article for the VHLM mag every week.
If I have an complete edition (about 5 articles for every edition), the writers can claim their 7 TPE for that.
If I don't have enough articles, writers can still claim their TPE (not to loose a week for that), but they cannot claim that article for next week.
I think this can be a sort of a compromise to run the VHLM Mag and I think this can add some activity in the VHLM.
Sorry again for my poor english