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  • Birthday 04/18/1995

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    Luke Matthews
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946 profile views
  1. 157 Bern Royals vs Ottawa Lynx 3-2 Bern
  2. 158 Bern Royals vs Brampton Blades 159 Moscow Red Wolves vs Oslo Storm 160 Bratislava Watchmen vs Saskatoon Wild
  3. First star boyzzzz lol 9 hits wtf
  4. I like it. I think the two player thing does increase activity and I agree on the capped VHLM player. However, should that player be ineligible to be drafted until the older player has retired?
  5. That is pretty good actually 10/10 IGN
  7. Great proposal! I agree from what I've noticed already.
  8. Thanks bro
  9. Who do you think will win?
  10. Thanks! Just seen it today so I hope it will be good!
  11. Molholt is a beast dude
  12. Luke Matthews - Fresh Faced Luke Matthews had just finished his Midget AAA career off with a state championship. He was in the playoffs with the Colts while the draft was going on. Now all his fellow draftees have a head start on him for the VHL Entry Draft. Matthews said it was all worth it in the end; Matthews said this; "Yeah it is great for my development heading into this year knowing that I have championship experience and I know what to do in those situations. It's really good to go into this with a load of experience. I haven't stopped playing hockey since last August because of Miget AAA tryouts. It's amazing because I represented Canada at the U-18 so I have Iliterally haven't had a week to stop playing. It's great" We sat down to talk to Matthews about his recent waiver claim and also himself and past experiences. Luke,what is it like being a member of the Yukon Gold?: It is fantastic. I love the show Yukon Gold and it's just a coincidence that I am playing for these guys. They are a team from Canada and that's pretty cool. You usually see a Montreal or Toronto professional team or even Winnipeg or Vancouver but you get the point. Never would I have thought Yukon would finally get a team. Our rink is very cold here though. We don't get many fans either because of it being in the middle of Yukon. What was your thought process waiting for the waiver claim?: Nothing really. As soon as I won the state championship the next morning I got a call from Clegane saying I was going to Yukon in the VHLM Waiver Claim because they had the top priority in the claims. So I never put thought into it. I mean I was suspicious when I had just put the contract in that stated I was VHLM property for the next season but that is all. Thoughts on your first goal?: I was very happy. I got a nice pass and just slapped it home. I was shocked because it was probably the nicest shot I had ever taken. I found the greatest lane I have ever seen and blasted it for my first career VHLM goal. I got roasted later on as the guys were saying that I ate a lot of Wheaties to impress the coach in which I did. Thoughts on if you're playing for USA at the WJC?: I don't know. It is up to Yukon if I can or not. USA has offered a spot with great minutes but it all comes down to if Yukon lets me. It is great for my development when playing against teams like Canada or Russia. I would love to represent my country especially with it being in Buffalo so maybe for my families sake, they may let me play. Alright that is all the time we have for today, Luke. Thank you for coming down to Toronto for this interview and good luck with the season. "Thanks, Doug" Words:468
  13. 52 Yukon Rush vs Bern Royals 53 Saskatoon Wild vs Bratislava Watchmen 54 Oslo Storm vs Brampton Blades
  14. SEPERATE My first impression of the VHL? Later yesterday afternoon I was surfing the web looking for a new hockey simulation league to play on. I found the VHL as a top rated one next to the SHL (whom I am already involved in). I think the VHL is a little more confusing then the SHL, the media spots are once a week and just give normal TPE instead of money and you have more options for TPE. The VHL takes notice to you because of its low member count, I like it. People ask you questions about you and your player and like to have a genuine conversation with you. In the SHL it is like: Welcome PM me if you have questions And it is just very stupid. Where as in the VHL they compliment your 30 TPE that you used or crack jokes or something along those lines. Right now I like the VHL a ton. Words: 159
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