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Everything posted by Bushito

  1. You couldn't touch my sloppiest garbage from 10 years ago
  2. Reebok pays hundreds of thousands of dollars for this, @Kendrick wants the same thing for 3 TPEz? ROTFL I make this, it's considered garbage by the league. @boubabi is absolutely right in saying this league has been spoiled by graphic makers.
  3. Hmm seems like a usually cunty thing to say, I put effort into mine at least.
  4. Player InformationFull Name: Norris StopkoPosition: GJersey Number: 1Height (inches): 6'8"Weight (lbs.): 220 lbs Birthplace: Red Deer, Alberta, Canada Childhood Norris was born in Red Deer, Alberta, Canada to Mike and Dianne Stopko. Norris' father Mike works in the tire industry, owning a tire shop in Red Deer and his mother Dianne a child care worker. Norris grew up in a middle class family and experienced many sports as a child. Hockey may not have been his first love but his father insisted he play his old position of goaltender and it grew on the young man thankfully for the Victory Hockey League. By the time Norris was set to enter the Western Hockey League (WHL) entry draft he was a well known superstar in the making. He wound up going first overall in the draft to the Calgary Hitmen who wound up with an abysmal showing from their goalies the previous season resulting in just 20 wins on the season. Stopko playing the prankster in a game as an early teen Western Hockey League Norris' first WHL season was played mostly as a back up gaining a 2-3 record with the lowly Calgary hitmen. Season two though brought a starting gig with the team and despite only gaining twenty-five wins it was the first wining season by a Hitmen goaltender in the past four seasons so the team was in bad shape but things were looking up. Come season three Stopko put on a show going 48-9 on the season and taking the Hitmen deep into the playoffs before finally losing out to their Alberta rival and eventual champions, the Edmonton Oil Kings. It was an impressive season and despite it being his draft year and looking like a promising prospect Stopko decided to quit playing hockey and retire before it all really got started baffling all NHL General Managers. Despite all the shenanigans Stopko was drafted in the third round by the Edmonton Oilers. Stopko in net for the Calgary Hitmen in his third Western Hockey League season Current Stopko Never did play an NHL game but he was contacted a year later by his former agent and now Calgary Wranglers GM in the VHL, Bushito Von Grumpy Bear. It was an opportunity Stopko wanted and he took the spot through some automatic draft circumvention rule. Stopko has now played two seasons on the Wrangles and despite the first seasons outcome being one of the worst ever seasons in VHL history the Wranglers rebounded nicely in his second season and took third last. It looks like the young goalie is really improving rapidly and could be a big reason we may see Calgary in the playoffs next season. Stopko managed to bring in former Calgary Hitmen teammate Jasper Canmore to the Wranglers as well which bodes very well as the two have really put in some major practice hours this season and looked very poised to be a major force in the league very soon as they made major strides this past season with Canmore sitting eighth in rookie scoring at the half way point and finishing the season second overall which has him in a good place for the rookie of the year vote, especially considering the top scorer was only two points ahead of him with a far better supporting cast around him. Player Review Pros Rebound Control: If Stopko does one thing right it's that he has control over the puck. Stopko has let loose the least amount of rebounds in the history of the Victory Hockey League Minors. It's something of a pride thing with Stopko although the skill is there and if he can keep these pucks under wraps and be this big in the net I'm sure he'll have success. Size: At six foot eight and two hundred and twenty pounds, Stopko is one of the largest goaltenders to ever play in the Victory Hockey League. He can't skate, he can't score but man does he fill out a net. Not the man you want to mess with at this size. We may even see some fights in this youngsters future. Work Ethic: Sleep, practice, gym, sleep, practice, gym is all this guy ever does. Stopko wants to take home trophies and break records. The only way he knows how, to just plain outwork his competition. At the rate this kid is improving he'll be a starter in the pro's very soon. It's Stopko' lead by example attitude that has been ingrained in the young man since childhood that keep him working harder than anyone else on any team he has ever played for. Cons Penalty Shot: Stopko has a very poor penalty shot record and it is an attribute he has not even seemed to want to work on. I am sure that as his pro career improves he can also improve this record but it doesn't seem to be something that will take a while and maybe something the young goaltender learns as he goes. Discipline: A goalie is not generally someone you associate with fighting and taking penalties but Stopko has proven to love the Ron Hextall way. Hacking, slashing and fighting his way to the big leagues is something the young goaltender hasn't just done to make his way it is something he has embraced. It looks like Stopko may be bringing this part of his game to the pro league. Skating: A goalie isn't generally known for being the fastest skater on the ice but at the same time most can make it across their crease. Stopko has a very hard time with his skating and it shows. The young star vows to work very hard to get this issue resolved but as it stands right now he does look horrible. Favorites Favorite Player: Cal G Least Favorite Player: Vernon Von Axelberry Artist/Band: Anything that can get me pumped up for a workout. Food: Pho Favorite Beer: Rolling Rock Other Sports: NFL Football
  5. Did we ever figure out when people get paid for this, been around 2 and a half weeks now @Kendrick
  6. Part I - Pick em' (Pick the correct winners of all three games for 1 TPE) Game 3 - Seattle Bears vs. Riga Reign - Bears Game 4 - Seattle Bears vs. Riga Reign - Bears Game 5 - Riga Reign vs. Seattle Bears - Reign Part II - Predict the Score (Predict the correct score and winner of this game for 3 TPE) Game 4 - Seattle Bears vs. Riga Reign - Bears 3-2 Part III - Player Predictions (Predict the correct player for each category, 1 TPE for each correct answer) Series leader in points: Trombone (9) Series leader in goals: McAllister/Trombone (4) Series leader in assists: Krigars/Gretzky/Muller/Trombone (5) 2 TPE @jRuutu 1 TPE @Velevra @DollarAndADream
  7. Right you are so 3 more uncapped TPE for @Tyler @hedgehog337 @CowboyinAmerica @Spade18 @Trifecta @Will @Exlaxchronicles @Velevra 1 uncapped TPE for @DollarAndADream
  8. I suppose it's not in new content anymore, it was for the past three days straight but you didn't manage to catch it I suppose, sorry your highness. I'll head back to the streets again with the rest of the peasants.
  9. Yeah there was a page for that where you can find out. Or just look at who started the topic.
  10. Part I - Pick em' (Pick the correct winners of all three games for 1 TPE) Game 3 - Seattle Bears vs. Riga Reign - Seattle Game 4 - Seattle Bears vs. Riga Reign - Riga Game 5 - Riga Reign vs. Seattle Bears - Riga Part II - Predict the Score (Predict the correct score and winner of this game for 3 TPE) Game 4 - Seattle Bears vs. Riga Reign - Riga 4-3 Part III - Player Predictions (Predict the correct player for each category, 1 TPE for each correct answer) Series leader in points: John Locke Series leader in goals: John Locke Series leader in assists: Aleksei Federov
  11. Part I - Pick em' (Pick the correct winners of all three games for 1 TPE) Game 3 - Seattle Bears vs. Riga Reign Game 4 - Seattle Bears vs. Riga Reign Game 5 - Riga Reign vs. Seattle Bears Part II - Predict the Score (Predict the correct score and winner of this game for 3 TPE) Game 4 - Seattle Bears vs. Riga Reign Part III - Player Predictions (Predict the correct player for each category, 1 TPE for each correct answer) Series leader in points: Series leader in goals: Series leader in assists:
  12. Welcome to the club, let me know if you have any questions
  13. That was my fault, I missed you when making the spreadsheet. Welcome to team Mercenaries, lol
  14. They will set up a client file and Aleksei will be D
  15. Swiss is world, your roster is fine
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