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Everything posted by Bushito

  1. PM me 1,2, or 3 Send questions as well so it is a chance to win some uncapped TPE 1 correct answer = 1 capped TPE + 1 point on S57 leaderboard 2 correct answers = 1 capped TPE + 2 points on S57 leaderboard Answers due Jan 2 REMINDER: No question ever asked in VHL Trivia requires the use of season indexes.
  2. Player Name: Jasper Canmore Gift #: 4 Favorite gift received: I’m in Hawai’i with my wife right now. Best gift we’ve ever given each other
  3. Bushito

    SEA/DAV ; S58

    Awesome, offers me the same trade and I say post it like a week ago then this, lol
  4. You gain 17 TPE a season for donations x2 seasons, not going to explain the 90 TPE I have on you.
  5. Canmore 299, hasn't played a game yet, read the update thread and you'll see how they do it.
  6. @RadulovsFirstBeer @solas @bukss_a @Banackock @Will @Symmetrik The list after the randomizer is done, it is a snake draft so it'll be starting with @RadulovsFirstBeer12 hour time limits per pick @RadulovsFirstBeer F - Takashi Fujimoto F - Chase Keller F - Bo Boeser D - Ay Ay Ron D - Keaton Louth G - Markus King @solas F - Franchise Cornerstone F - Rudolph Schmeckledorph F - Daryl Dortch D - Casey Jones D - Pablo G - Torstein Ironside @bukss_a F - Phil Shankly F - Motherfucker Sharpe F - Shawn Gretzky D - Ko Kane D - Niko Bogdanovic G - Rhett DeGrath @Banackock F - Gabriel McAllister F - Mattias Forsberg F - Marc Alexander Leblanc D - Aleksei Federov D - Fabio Jokinen G - Vernon Von Axelberry @Will F - John Locke F - Lukas Muller F - Lee King Snatch D - D - G - Shawn Brodeur @Symmetrik F - Fredinamijs Krigars F - Fook Yu F - Rusty Trombone D - Felix Savard D - Roman Sokolov G - Astrid Moon Edited 6 hours ago by Bushito
  7. Abbott would be 8-900 by now which would have him 2nd in TPE league wide, Rhett Degrath is highest right now with 978, next closest is in the 700's. Canmore is at 300 without playing a game and Stopko 460ish going into season 2. I will take both of my players over 1,000 TPE
  8. Make the second round of the draft purely off standings - Playoffs and lotto should have no impact on the second round of the draft just like real life. Worst to best picks in order, especially now with no conferences. Make more team related TPE tasks - TPE is down as a whole in the league with zero players over 1,000 and only one player even close to that. TPE average is around 350 which is pathetic. Start giving out uncapped TPE to do some jobs that aren't getting done - Player store sheet update for 5 TPE uncapped, Do a HOF article 5 TPE uncapped. Any job that isn't getting done throw some uncapped at it. It's more important that all jobs get done than it is to have the league looking half ass done. And I'm getting sick of doing multiple jobs for free, lol Make welfare like the other two big leagues - Give out points for PT's posted in other leagues, maybe not the six TPE the other leagues do but at least do 4 or 5. I don't know how many people this would bring to the league. Multiple EFL people told me they would be here if this was implemented but they don't have time for another 2 PT's a week. 2 player system - I know the two player system is gone, it seems that GMs can still make 2 players. Make it that both GM players go to their team, it gives the GM something to work with and gives them incentive to make the team good quickly or his players careers suffer Change 590's to 2 TPE, for the amount of work they are that would be fair pay
  9. TPE does seem to be down quite a bit.
  10. Player Name: Jasper Canmore VHL Team: Calgary Wranglers Cash you have: $5,000,000 Purchase Name: Triple Predictions Cost of Purchase: $5,000,000 Cash Left: 0 Player Name: Norris Stopko VHL Team: Calgary Wranglers Cash you have: $5,000,000 Purchase Name: Triple Predictions Cost of Purchase: $5,000,000 Cash Left: 0
  11. Welcome to the VHL player store where you can spend your contract money earned through your career. Please make sure to fill out the purchase template below in order for your purchase to be official. If you are making multiple purchases at once use multiple templates, or clearly break down the cost of each purchase. You can click on the player balances link there to see what your balances are. Purchase Template: Reroll Your TPE - $10,000,000 -Limit once per career. -Must be done in the off-season prior to depreciation. -Reset all your attributes and re-spend your TPE to give your player a brand new identity. -Contact a commish prior to purchasing. Two Attribute Points - $5,000,000 -Limit once per season. -This does not count towards your total TPE, just your attributes -This adds 2 to any attribute point you have. Example, you have 82 in Skating and raise it to 84. The higher the attribute the more actual TPE value you get out of this purchase. Free Week - $3,000,000 -Limit of twice per season -You earn 6 TPE in place of a point task for the week. Double Award Prediction - $2,500,000 DEADLINE: Game 20 simmed -Must be purchased at the start of a season. -You gain double the Yearly Award Points for the season you purchased this in. -You may only purchase one award prediction modifier per season. Triple Award Predictions - $5,000,000 DEADLINE: Game 20 simmed -Must be purchased at the start of a season -You gain triple the Yearly Award Points for the season you purchased this in. -You may only purchase one award prediction modifier per season. Position Switch - $3,000,000 -Limit once per career. -Switch from forward to defense or defense to forward. -Note: Players will no longer be allowed a free position switch any longer. GM's may still position switch their inactive players once per career provided they have not switched positions already. VHL Magazine Cover and Article Combo -$1,000,000 -Limit of once per season -Your player gets featured on the cover of the magazine and gets a freelance article written specifically for them. VHL.com/Radio Upgrade - $2,000,000 -Adds 1 TPE to your 590 or two-point podcast -Active for 8 weeks of the season -Will count against the weekly TPE cap -Cannot purchase both this item and any of the Welfare/Pension Upgrades in the same season Point Task Upgrade - $2,000,000 -Adds 1 TPE to your weekly point task (media spot, graphic, etc.) -Active for 8 weeks of the season -Will count against the weekly TPE cap - NEW FOR SEASON 46 - Cannot be used in combination with magazine submissions The First Generation - $500 000 - Grants 5 TPE to be claimed in your update thread - Can only be purchased once per career - Can only be purchased by players with no carryover - Can only be purchased by first-gen players or returning members who have been without a player for at least 3 seasons. 'The Jaromir Jagr' - $6,000,000 -Must be purchased prior to depreciation -Can only be purchased once per off-season -Choose one attribute and that attribute won't experience depreciation for that season Old But Not Forgotten - $10,000,000 -Must be purchased prior to depreciation in either your 7th or 8th season -Your attributes will be depreciated 1% less than normal in your 7th season, or 2% less in your 8th -4% instead of 5% in 7th season, 5% instead of 7% in 8th season Experience Points -You may only purchase a single experience points package per season. -Adds experience points to your player. $1,000,000 - 1 Point $2,000,000 - 4 Points $5,000,000 - 10 Points
  12. There are 4 spots left in fantasy league 5 and then I'm closing it. Go get that free uncapped TPE

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