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Everything posted by Bushito

  1. That is sexy as fuck dude. When I get back to my laptop I’m wearing this.
  2. Well I only knew I was taking over Calgary for a little while before it happened. I did suggest it in some thread with @Kendrick while we were between berating each other, or maybe he suggested it. It didn't come as a huge shock since I was hearing rumors of contraction and knew if that happened I would lose Stockholm almost guaranteed. Calgary is a team that I have never played for and it also the closest team to where I live being only an hour away. Seeing as how I've never hated the team and always wanted to play there when @diamond_ace was running the show I feel it is a great fit for me long term. I did want to make sure what I was building came to the team with me. I have my two players which I know I can turn into studs, I have the first overall pick in this draft and we landed a veteran player in the contraction draft. I also have two great young defenders in @Corco and @Quik. I know @Quik is going to test RFA but I will match anything offered so I don't really care, I mean I care about him and would like him to want to be here and I'm not even sure he wants out but I do know he wants to max his earnings. Some say I can't match if it's over the $4,000,000 rookie max but I've been told I can. The big factor in all of this is can anyone legit afford to offer $7,000,000 while still holding their S59 1st round pick. It's looking like only Davos holds this power and since they will be a lotto pick team it'll be a tough choice if they decide to do it. Either way I get my stellar defender back or I get a lotto pick next draft so I'm not as worried as some may think I am. It may look like Calgary is in tough right now and that may be true but I'll get them there. So far I feel I've made some great trades and only one that I regret and that one was forced on me to bring Abbott to Stockholm to GM the team. Look at the teams besides Stockholm/Calgary to rebuild in the past three seasons. New York - Fully cup competitive roster full of players to trade and won the contraction draft lotto. @STZ pretty well had a cup handed to him. Davos - Same thing as New York being a major cup contender and got to melt down a team full of assets. Free ride to a contender team again for @Tyler Quebec - Once again a load of talent to dump off although he at least built the team he's trading off. The @Exlaxchronicles trade was smooth as he literally was given an active player for nothing, I would definitely have offered far more but he wasn't on the block that I saw. But winning a cup and then going to the cup finals again the next season means he has the assets for a quick turn around. Stockholm/Calgary - @ADV left the team pretty bare with most talent either retiring or contracts running out, I made the most of the left over players in trade and feel I did a decent job but like I've said this is the toughest rebuild in the league in the past while and I don't want it to seem like I'm mad about that because it is what I wanted. I'd rather go the hard road and do things that are more so earned than gifted. I know this free agency will be a good one and we have the cash advantage in the league right now. I am hoping some players are looking to get paid very well soon and are ok with waiting a season before contending for a cup. Stats wise players will be way better off in Calgary next season than they were in Stockholm last season. At minimum we will have one decent forward line where last season we had one forward for part of the season and none for the rest. I know Stockholm was not a fun team to be on for our guys last year but I think going forward Calgary will be. Lets go Wranglers.
  3. $20 Tans ID - 8RC871298L679344F
  4. So the finals were pounded out in quick order which led to no real finals prediction so I decided I would replace that with a draft prediction thread instead. Payouts will be determined after I have some quick discussions. General managers will get compensated but are not allowed to predict. Have fun guys. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. ? 9. 10.
  5. I honestly and genuinely do appreciate the blue team here. I have been in those shoes in other leagues and it isn't easy. Nothing will burn a prominent member out like dealing with all the bullshit that comes along with it. I may not agree with everything done by the blue team but I support their decisions because I truly do love this league.
  6. You started out with a championship calibre roster of assets to trade, woe is me... NYA have been gifted enough.
  7. Bushito


    A tire fire? Really? I started with zero assets and made the most of it making really great trades . It's not like I'm New York or Davos when their new GMs took over championship calibre teams. And yeah you were having a discussion by telling me I'm wrong about something I know for a fact when you were making assumptions and being a condescending little ass hat in your responses. And I don't need to create a pro-Calgary image for you because you'd always refuse to play for me regardless like you have every other time. In fact the league has turned into a little buddies club. Right now the little buddy club is NYA which have been gifted a world beater team so the super-bestfriends club can get together.
  8. Bushito


    Canmore is my GM player you twat, always was, always will be. Stopko was never my GM player, he was drafted by Stockholm and is just another one of their assets that were moved over. Abbott was my GM player when I drafted Stopko and then retired Abbott and created my new GM player, Canmore. Stop being a putz and do some research before chirping off.
  9. Bushito


    You'd be wrong in that assumption.
  10. Bushito


    Stopko and Canmore
  11. Bushito


    That is not the case at all, I for one have two players on Calgary
  12. Bushito


    I'll take what I can get, lol
  13. 4 goal night for Green, 4 assists for me. Nice series boys, easier than Yukon
  14. Losing 4 teams will lose you 10 members and about 15 players and you still have the same problem
  15. That can happen I guess we can just add all my players to Calgary and I'll take that team over. lol
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