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Everything posted by Bushito

  1. @STZ has to re-pick for Jokinen then this keeps going, sorry to everyone in the draft but the inactive process needed to be replaced. Also I need 6 actives per draft to make the new prize work.
  2. What's your argument? They didn't win enough titles to be able to have a team. I'd think in this stage of the VHL finding a GM passionate about a team would be a bigger draw than fucking with Pensfans non existent legacy
  3. Maybe we can all come to a compromise and name them the Amsterdam Pirates
  4. @Devise you say I had to be told? Funny since I have never been told. @Beketovsays you told me something in the draft discord which is funny how I would have missed that since I never left it from start to end. I don't know what pensfan did or didn't do since I wasn't around for his time. I know I always liked the team and logo, I know a lot of people have told me they'd love to see the team back and would be very eager to play for them. I have GMed quite a few VHLM and VHL teams. I want nothing more than to take the team that can never win and do it. I want to make Vasteras a powerhouse and I think I can. I'm passionate about bringing back Vasteras hockey but you guys need to make the decisions for the good of the league so I'll make my proposal tonight and you guys decide. If you decide it stays in Stockholm I will name everything Stockholm and stop using the Vasteras name. I will however not ever stop advocating for the team to be in Vasteras.
  5. There is no reason not to move them, I polled the draftees and everyone said would rather play in Vasteras or will only stay long term if it's Vasteras. I will make a formal proposal though and argue my points. But yeah I've been saying they are moving and have told blue team members I wanted it changed for this season and this is the first I've heard it's unlikely. I do have my hopes up and will just fight until it happens.
  6. What you mean they aren't coming back? I told the league I was moving them back to Vasteras and heard nothing back
  7. Nope you are team Canada's last remaining hope.
  8. Nope, when I said @Devise pick twice it was his turn take over for trust the inactivity
  9. That's Vasteras to you sunshine, lol
  10. You can take over Bring back inactivity's team because 5 more guys won't show up and he's not doing his.
  11. runner up is the first loser
  12. The first one was calculated wrong, the recalculated proper one at the bottom you earned 2 TPE
  13. You just need a better team around you.
  14. @Eggy216 @Ahma @Phil @boubabi @Dangles13 @Green The list after the randomizer is done, it is a snake draft so it'll be starting with @Eggy216 12 hour time limits per pick @Eggy216 F - Lukas Muller F - Essian Ravenwing F - Daring Do D - Ay Ay Ron D - Felix Savard G - Markus King @Bushito(NOT FOR POINTS) F - John Locke F - Fredinamijs Krigars F - D - Fabio Jokinen D - Diego Jokinen G - Torstein Ironside @Phil F - Diana Maxwell F - Pierre Gaudette F - Chase Keller D - Lee King Snatch D - Conrad Jenkins G - Apollo Skye @boubabi F - Theo Axelsson F - Gabriel McAllister F - Fujimoto D - Roman Sokolov D - casey jones G - Jacob @Dangles13 F - Fook Yu F - Phil Shankly F - Sergei Komarov D - Alexander Thrower D - Dexter Lane G - Rhett DeGrath @Green F - Franchise Cornerstone F - Xander Finn F - Rudolph Schmeckeldorf D - Aleksei Federov D - Guntis Petenis G - Astrid Moon
  15. King was picked before I picked, I was on my phone at work and didn't notice
  16. Yeah give him a bit, pick someone else @Mook
  17. @Bring Back Chat and @TheLastOlympian07
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