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Everything posted by Bushito

  2. @Devise @Beketov Why is the second round of the draft not reverse of standings? Playoffs should have zero implications outside of the first round. Worst teams should get the best picks. Someone needs to look at that ruling.

  3. @Tyler I'll give you my S60 1st for DeGrath

  4. Decided to stay on as Stockholm GM, as pissed as I am I will spend the rest of my time making sure Davos never wins a title again to the tune of trading my talent at discounted rates to their competition.

    1. Show previous comments  29 more
    2. Devise


      Moved and done. Also you don't need to tag me when I also get notified of the status update. :P I'm sure @KGR knows what I'm talking about right bud? 




    3. Da Trifecta
    4. Bushito


      Fuck that I need to double down @Devise

  5. Easy too be good as hell when we can fuck over other teams no problem.
  6. OK, the percentages are wrong and have no bearing on the lotto, got it.
  7. Second round goes off standings alone, NYA first STO second ect. I have 12,14,15,17,19,20 and there are actives to 15 no problem.
  8. Quick question as I'm not a math genius here but after COL wins first overall they have a shot at winning 2nd overall as well? Or are they taken out and NYA has 75%, STO 8.33%, SEA 8.33%, Nobody 8.33% Like I said, I'm no math genius so maybe someone could educate me on how these percentages make any sense. @Devise
  9. To STO DAV S59 1st To DAV S59 3rd Thank you @Tyler for being cool with doing the second part of the degrath trade @Smarch had promised, very honorable of you, stand up GM you have Davos.
  10. I've butted heads with pretty well everyone at one point or another @Beketov but I am trying my best to keep it more low key this time. Well minus Zimmers, I'll fuck with that gurl every chance I get.
  11. I am only really looking at @Beaviss, @Corco, @Phil for 3rd overall for various reasons right now.
  12. They already won you my friend, that's more than enough.
  13. I asked what to pay them from the blue team and never got a response. So when I get a response I will pay your previous retired players.
  14. I'm not trying to accuse you of rigging, I just am not going to indulge live streams as anything, you can do 10 of them and then post. That being said, my comment was more to do with the fact I called COL winning the Lotto the day ADV took them over.
  15. You mean right after ADV takes them over they win the lotto and I called that shit no problem.
  16. You'll get three seasons and he'll be with ADV
  17. Well three seasons, three cups, nice career Abbott
  18. Is there still a copy of the Vasteras Iron Eagles logo on site somewhere? I can't seem to find it.

    1. Show previous comments  24 more
    2. Gudnason


      In before the planewreck jokes come in for Vasteras now that Cologne is under competent management



    3. solas


      if you actually bring Vasteras back :wub:

    4. Bushito


      I am bringing back Vasteras 100% as long as the blue team allows my proposal. Whether I rebrand the team is still up in the air. To me a war plane makes sense for an iron eagle, maybe I'm stupid and everyone disagrees and I'll just drop the idea 

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