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Everything posted by Bushito

  1. Part I - Pick em' (Pick the correct winners of all three games for 1 TPE) Game 3 - Quebec City Meute Game 4 - Davos Dynamo Game 5 - Quebec City Meute Part II - Predict the Score (Predict the correct score and winner of this game for 3 TPE) Game 4 - Quebec City Meute (5) vs. Davos Dynamo (2) Part III - Player Predictions (Predict the correct player for each category, 1 TPE for each correct answer) Series leader in points: Diana Maxwell Series leader in goals: John Locke Series leader in assists: Lukas Muller
  2. Part I - Pick em' (Pick the correct winners of all three games for 1 TPE) Game 3 - Quebec City Meute vs. Davos Dynamo Game 4 - Quebec City Meute vs. Davos Dynamo Game 5 - Davos Dynamo vs. Quebec City Meute Part II - Predict the Score (Predict the correct score and winner of this game for 3 TPE) Game 4 - Quebec City Meute vs. Davos Dynamo Part III - Player Predictions (Predict the correct player for each category, 1 TPE for each correct answer) Series leader in points: Series leader in goals: Series leader in assists:
  3. Winner: Las Vegas # of Games: 7 Total Goals Scores: 34 Cup-winning goal: Sergei Komarov Leader in pts: Komarov leader in goals: komaroc leader in assists: Casey jones
  4. Keep talkin shit, I'll be here when you and zimmers cry yourselves out of the league, likely winning cups with Stockholm in the mean time.
  5. This would be the first time I would put my trust in the process
  6. Vasteras needs a new logo with an old school war plane. Someone should totally make it.
  7. Riga because I would have bought from NYA and save the team from a few poor trades, probably would have taken the cup, lol.
  8. The fact that our affiliates in SBA just made EFL PTs worth points made the league far more attractive. I just think sharing members and PTs is a great way to get far more people involved.
  9. I was saying if I took over Cologne when you did I would have had them in the playoffs this season.
  10. If I was they would have been in the playoffs this year, lol.
  11. Not really, I have a couple guys in this draft, like 2-3, then 1 next year maybe 2 and same thing the year after. I think realistically we have 4 good players and maybe 4 average ones by S59 best case scenario. Not that I'm going to bitch about that, I got lucky with some trades and made the most of what was left to me but it could have been way better.
  12. I meant his new player not Lane. But yeah I created Kensington shortly before taking over Stockholm. Pretty similar situation except I wasn't given the option to recreate as a GM player and retire Kensington, it was either give up the top 3 pick or trade for Abbott which I did and it cost me a fortune. I could have had Davose 1st and 2nd this draft just for the Trombone let alone all the other shit I give up. Just really chaps my ass now seeing this, I could have been so much better off. Just retire Kensington and recreate my center immediately and keep my fist, christ.
  13. My situation is the exact same as Dexter Lane and @ADV 100%. I was told absolutely Kensington for my first or trade for Abbott. If retiring Kensington was an option even I would have taken that for sure since I am retiring him anyway next trade deadline.
  14. 20$ says Cologne wins the Lotto next. lol
  15. His newly created 2nd player, Kristof Mueller will be sent to Cologne as the GM player with no forfeiture. Tyler will be retiring his defender Thomas Sankara, who is a S57 prospect and recreating a new 2nd player who will go to Davos under the GM player rule with no forfeiture.
  16. There are no more details to give, I was in their shoes with Kensington in the VHLM when I took over Stockholm, I was told if I made Kensington my GM player I had to give up STO 1st to do so. Instead I traded a shitpile of assets to bring in Abbott so I could keep my first and a shot to bring in @Kendrick in the draft. Pretty much bullshit if you ask me
  17. I like how neither guy has to forfeit anything yet I was in the same boat taking over Stockholm and was told if Kensington was to be my GM player I had to give up my first in this draft coming up. So I purposely get trade raped in order to bring in Abbott to be my GM player.
  18. How did I not get tagged in this?
  19. My goalie blows, probably the worst of the 4 I've made and he isn't needed anyway. I only made Kensington to help win in Oslo when I was GM. He can go to retirement and I can make a good defender next.
  20. And we got Kensingtons one good one out of the way
  21. Woooooo, Vasteras has some picks in that draft
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