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Everything posted by Bushito

  1. Bushito

    New Oslo GM

  2. No I've never done sports graphics. I did take some photoshop courses in the past and worked on some stuff. It was a while ago and I suck compared to the people here. I'm going to dive into it fully though and contact the people that have work I really like to see if I can learn some more and get pointers. Before I actually joined I was looking at the site and the graphics are one of the main things that drew me in.
  3. Bushito

    New Oslo GM

    I would rather to be honest but what about next season?
  4. F - Tom Lincoln F - Diana Maxwell
  5. Bushito

    New Oslo GM

    Does my player go to Oslo or stay in Ottawa?
  6. Bushito

    New Oslo GM

    Thanks guys, I'm looking forward to the challenge.
  7. Not hard to get there when you buy and use 2 doubles, 5 free points and get another 5 free from purchases, that's 34 right there. I just did what I was told to do.
  8. Yeah I'll help you, I joined yesterday, lol Lots of holes on defense, goalies seam quite crowded
  9. Man these are so nice. I look forward to joining one of these. Doubt I can compete looking at some of the graphics here.
  10. I look forward to it, I'm hungry
  11. Don't they only have one player? What did they trade it for?
  12. Sooo..... you'd eat both? lol
  13. Well I went in hoping to be a top 3 pick but it looks more like 5-8. I'll do my best though
  14. Or one could just say it's thick as fk
  15. But I have 6'8" and 250 lbs pushing it
  16. This is sweet, already can't wait to get drafted after 2 days in the league.
  17. Your goalie is going to be tasting my D all season
  18. Sorry Brampton, Ottawa is going to destroy you all
  19. Says 24 hours then 12 hours the second time you get skipped, he's already been skipped once
  20. Player Name: Hudson Abbott VHL Team: Ottawa Lynx Cash you have: $2,000,000 Purchase Name: The First Generation Cost of Purchase: $500,000 Cash Left: : $1,500,000
  21. 12 hours are up @der meister
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