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Everything posted by Bushito

  1. I'm not a fan of the sub-text here or the blending technique on this one. The lighting on the render could be moved closer to the face as well. I do like the coloring and the lighting on the text, overall pretty nice work bud.
  2. I like the style of this but it is a little on the bland side for my taste. No much is wrong here, the text suits it very nicely. There is a lack of lighting but I don't feel this style of sig really needs it.
  3. I would say the blue coloring doesn't match the rest of the sig so much. The text could use some work, maybe go look through the member profiles for some ideas as there are some great ones in there. I think the third thing that could use some work is lighting as there really is none here. As a first attempt this is really good and I look forward to seeing more from you, if you have any questions feel free to contact me.
  4. Name: Hudson AbbottPosition: DefenseCurrent Team: Ottawa LynxNumber: 25Age: 17Height: 6'8"Weight: 250 Lbs.Born: Edmonton, Alberta, Canada After being tagged as a problem by scouts Hudson was overlooked completely in the National Hockey League draft. While wondering what to do for a living with his limited real world applications for his skill set he saw a random add in an old newspaper asking for people to come try out for the VHLM. As Hudson didn't know anything about it he decided to fly out to Ottawa and give it a shot. As it turned out, the Lynx were in need of a big bodied defender that can contribute offensively as well. After just eleven games in the Victory Junior League playing for the Ottawa Lynx, Hudson abbott has already amassed four goals and nine assists for thirteen points. These numbers are quite impressive for such a short career but also only a glimpse into what the future holds for this young rising star. Player ReviewPros Skating: Being as big as this kid is there is no wonder why he can skate so damn fast. The VHLM scouts will be following this closely as he is a phenom speed wise for a defender. Hopefully he can keep improving and be the fastest skater at this years draft. Work Ethic: All this guy does is work and he will continue to do so I'm sure. We will see how this plays out but I highly doubt this guy even sees a VHLM draft to be honest. If it's leadership by example that a team is looking for then it might be this defender they should look to add. Point Shot: This guy has a howitzer from the point and most goaltenders are scared to death to step in front of it. If you want a right hand shot to run the back end of your power play then this is your guy. Look for Hudson to be featured in future hardest shot competitions in the VHL. Cons Discipline: Hudson is labelled a discipline problem but that is mostly from fighting and one bad incident. Although fighting is a a part of hockey he did do it excessively at points. The McSorley move in the WHL was what mostly fires this stigma but being tied for sixth in VHLM penalty minutes isn't doing much to take away from the reputation either. Knowledge: He doesn't know the league well yet and has a long way to go before he can have a Victory Hockey League career. I would say he is on the right track so far remaining very active in the league and even taking on a leadership role in the Oslo Storm organization. Aggressiveness: Despite having all of these fights under his belt and the two hand chop hanging over his head, if you talk to this young man you can soon realize that he has been goated into violence his entire career by former coaches and player and his nature is actually more to the scoring game which he can hopefully thrive with now in the VHL.
  5. Mother fucker, sad to see you go elsewhere but good luck with the career
  6. You went to war with Canada and lost. Judging from your statements you have continued losing ever since
  7. Fair enough, I'll walk away in shame
  8. I do so your statement is complete bullshit
  9. I completely see your point of view, my wife would 100% agree with you. I personally think world war 3 was already started by Bush Jr. during his administration, it's just being fought differently than the past. I also think Hillary vs. Russia would have been a lot worse probability of a major war. I see both sides of the argument, my friends and family constructively debate it on a regular basis. As of right now the things Trump has done impresses me on some level and I will watch him carefully. I'm not a one party, argue until I'm blue in the face supporter. I would rather debate the facts and make educated decisions based on that. I can agree with you on the fact Trump is a wild card and that he acts like a complete moron more often than not, policy however I'd say give him a year or two to see what he comes up with as I did with Trudeau.
  10. My sister went to university there and I used to visit. I always had fun partying in Saskatoon. The comment was meant more for the scrub Saskatoon team here that has no hope of beating Ottawa.
  11. Any time bud, more to come
  12. I guess that's the difference, my daughter first shot a gun at six years old and I had no fear what so ever because she was properly informed, trained and supervised. In the same way I think someone trained in real world issues and economics is a good thing over a trust fund baby drama teacher.
  13. I would argue that as much as their President is a joke our Prime Minister is just as much so.
  14. Trumps executive orders thus far Three orders establishing three Department of Justice task forces to fight drug cartels, reduce violent crime and reduce attacks against police. I agree with this An order directing the Treasury secretary to review the 2010 Dodd-Frank financial regulatory law. I'm torn on this one, the law has it's positives and his draw backs A memorandum instructing the Labor Department to delay implementing an Obama rule requiring financial professionals who are giving advice on retirement, and who charge commissions, to put their client's interests first. I agree, it sounds like a good idea but the wording allows for people to be taken advantage of in other ways. An order instructing agencies that whenever they introduce a regulation, they must first abolish two others. I don't care, it's pointless imo A memorandum to restructure the National Security Council and the Homeland Security Council. I agree, it's needed A memorandum directing the Secretary of Defense to draw up a plan within 30 days to defeat ISIS. Nothing wrong with that besides the fact Obama and Hillary created the damn organization An order to lengthen the ban on administration officials working as lobbyists. There is now a 5 year-ban on officials becoming lobbyists after they leave government, and a lifetime ban on White House officials lobbying on behalf of a foreign government. One of my favourite things he's done An executive order imposing a 120-day suspension of the refugee program and a 90-day ban on travel to the U.S. from citizens of seven terror hot spots: Iraq, Iran, Syria, Libya, Yemen, Somalia and Sudan. I don't have a problem with it, it's a temporary ban while they figure some things out Two multi-pronged orders on border security and immigration enforcement including: the authorization of a U.S.-Mexico border wall; the stripping of federal grant money to sanctuary cities; hiring 5,000 more Border Patrol agents; ending “catch-and-release” policies for illegal immigrants; and reinstating local and state immigration enforcement partnerships. This wall was proposed by Bill Clinton originally and nobody said anything besides positive statements when he proposed it. There are approximately 3.7 million unlawful immigrant households in the U.S. These households impose a net fiscal burden of around $54.5 billion per year. It's about time someone got this shit under control. A memorandum calling for a 30-day review of military readiness. Support it Two orders reviving the Keystone XL pipeline and Dakota Access pipelines. He also signed three other related orders that would: expedite the environmental permitting process for infrastructure projects related to the pipelines; direct the Commerce Department to streamline the manufacturing permitting process; and give the Commerce Department 180 days to maximize the use of U.S. steel in the pipeline. My favourite thing he's done thus far. Pipelines are the safest way to transport oil by far. Warren Buffett owns the vast majority of rail cars transporting oil in the USA and he has payed hundreds of millions of dollars to protesters and groups to try and stop these two pipelines. Also this greatly helps my home province of Alberta when the Canadian Government is purposely trying to destroy western Canada. An order to reinstate the so-called "Mexico City Policy" – a ban on federal funds to international groups that perform abortions or lobby to legalize or promote abortion. The policy was instituted in 1984 by President Reagan, but has gone into and out of effect depending on the party in power in the White House. The one and only thing he has done I strongly disagree on. Abortions should be a woman right as it is her body. A notice that the U.S. will begin withdrawing from the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal. Trump called the order "a great thing for the American worker." I agree An order imposing a hiring freeze for some federal government workers as a way to shrink the size of government. This excludes the military, as Trump noted at the signing. Fuck yes An order that directs federal agencies to ease the “regulatory burdens” of ObamaCare. It orders agencies to “waive, defer, grant exemptions from, or delay the implementation of any provision or requirement” of ObamaCare that imposes a “fiscal burden on any State or a cost, fee, tax, penalty, or regulatory burden on individuals, families, healthcare providers, health insurers, patients, recipients of healthcare services, purchasers of health insurance, or makers of medical devices, products, or medications.” Agree with this, Obamacare has been ill-received by my US family members and friends that I have talked to, so I base it off of that for the most part
  15. Obama, Bush and Carter all had similar travel bans in place. The only reason why Trumps received such public outcry was a combination of Left run media outlets crying that you would have to be racist to support it and that is was announced right after a divided election which gave his opposition something to jump on. I am Canadian and going through his policies I agree with most of what he has done thus far. As a person I think he needs to grow the fuck up and stop acting like a child on his Twitter account. As far as the travel ban, Obama made that list of seven countries as the next seven he'd do after Cuba, Trump implemented it.
  16. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P9xzh4OIbHA
  17. I don't know, the CBC still does it constantly and nobody seems to mind
  18. Oslo, Nobody wants to live in Saskatoon, let's be real here.
  19. No worries, there are plenty of hugs to go around the Oslo Locker room
  20. Yeah I know there is one team that needs some mentorship, you should probably join them and help them grow
  21. I would like to offer 1 year @ $2,000,000 for you to join the Oslo Storm, we already have one of the best goaltenders in the VHLM, will be a playoff team and I could use a VHL GM on my side.
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