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Posts posted by BOFish

  1. 1217338.jpg


    Christian McKenzie has only been a part of the Victory Hockey League for a few days now, However the other players and members of team Staff and League has made his decision very easy. Joining a new league or job of any kind can be very scary especially for a young nineteen-year-old hockey player. The members have welcomed Christian with open arms and one player even offering to Train with Cristian and Teach him the ins and outs. Christian’s looming decision on what Minor team he will be placed on has him nervous but all he wants to do Is play some Hockey.


    Everyone has been great since I decided to join (VHL). It has made me think I made the right choice, I am hoping I can carve out a name for myself when I play with the big boys but that is still a while away.” The young man finished talking to us was in good spirits and a joking manner.



    WC: 162

  2. Christian McKenzie - DEFENSE



    6'1", 222 lbs

    Michigan, USA

    Age: 19

    Shoots: Left


    Christian is a Native of Michigan and has grown up with Hockey in his life. He lives Hockey and won’t see himself doing anything else in his life. He has never played Semi Professional Hockey but we feel he can adapt and grow in the environment just fine. He will be eager to make an impact and a hard-working attitude. Let’s see some on his strengths and weaknesses.



    Defense: B – Christian has great positioning and has great size. He is not afraid to throw his body around as well as box you out or move you to the boards. He uses his head and tends to make smart plays to avoid causing turnovers or odd man rushing opportunities.

    I.Q: C+ - Even though he is big and makes smart on ice decisions, other times he can get to aggressive. Christian uses his IQ to recover quickly and make up for the mistake by making second chance plays. He works hard to improve his IQ every day and often is seen studying game film.

    Shot Blocking: A – Christian has no fear and will throw himself in front of a shot. Using his size and defending ability to get into a position to make the stop to help his goaltender. His willingness to sacrifice his body for the shot makes him vary valuable.

    Passing: C – Christian is a pass first defender, he looks up the ice and launches the pass. Not always the smartest passer he prefers that than to taking the shot. He has worked hard to get his passing game up to a pro level and looks to show off his skills.



    Puck Handling: C- - Christian Has a little bit of control Issues with the puck. He is not strong on control and often dumps it early loses control or passes wildly. Christian also needs to learn how to receive a pass and what do once he has been passed to often just throwing it up the ice.

    Discipline: F – Christian often takes stupid penalties that could hurt his team. His anger often is the reason why he takes the penalty. He hits hard but he also hits reckless and often takes dirty shots. He hits first and thinks second. His PIM’S could be an asset or a hindrance.

    Scoring: D – Don’t look to Christian for any form of scoring. He has no issues blasting a shot towards net but his accuracy is no there and if he scores he will be shocked. He does not have the best hands but will often, look for the pass instead of the shot. He will occasionally shoot the puck when there is no pass available to him.

    Experience: F – Christians lack of experience at a pro level will in the end harm him. Not being used to the cameras and media. Look for him to grow more in the later seasons but early on his lack of experience could hurt the teams brand he is on.

  3. Player Information

    Username: BOFish
    Full Name: Christian McKenzie
    Position: Defense
    Age: 19
    Handedness: Left
    Recruited By/From: Twitter
    Would you like an experienced member to mentor you?: Yes Please

    Player Attributes

    Total Points Earned: 30

    CK = Checking: 40
    FG = Fighting: 40
    DI = Discipline: 40
    SK = Skating: 40
    ST = Strength: 40
    PH = Puck Handling: 40
    FO = Face Offs: 40
    PA = Passing: 40
    SC = Scoring: 40
    DF = Defense: 70
    PS = Penalty Shot: 40
    EX = Experience: 40
    LD = Leadership: 40

    Jersey Number: 22
    Height (inches): 73
    Weight (lbs.): 225
    Birthplace: Michigan, USA


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