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Everything posted by Beaviss

  1. Its not like my YouTube vid got like 100 members
  2. Welcome to the league I’ve already been talking to you otherwise PM me again with any questions!
  3. I don’t know if I like you or not anymore.
  4. #freethePP Also giving new members that are keen is how you make them invested (me) if penny needs help I’m sure he has the entire updater staff aswell as me to help him out.
  5. @Gooningitup please confirm that the deal is still on the table.
  6. True but I got thrown into a GM job before I knew how it worked and look at me now ?
  7. This guy is very keen and is looking at jobs for extra TPE earnings it shouldn’t matter how long someone is here for a job is a job and if they can do the job they should get it in my opinion
  8. Hold on a sec.... two games in a row and Louth plays well aswell as the team wins? Am I dreaming?
  9. Great game @Exlaxchronicles and @Mr.Baller
  10. I always hate these games I want both teams to win...
  11. Dont worry Quebec will be a contender in the next season or two
  12. I’ll meet you at the flagpole nerd
  13. Getting close to 1000 likes I would like to thank @Spade18 for being obsessed with me.  

    1. Spade18


      at least 800 of those are me and you're welcome <3

    2. Beaviss


      If your not my 1000th like I’m breaking up with you.

    3. Spade18


      *likes harder and profusely sweats*

  14. At least it’s realistic.
  15. Hopefully Oslo can finically be a sought after team they haven’t had love for like 5 seasons
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