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Everything posted by Beaviss

  1. Quebec can’t score to save our lives...
  2. It’s beautiful @Will
  3. I’m not talking shorter in game seasons I’m talking shorter real time seasons.
  4. Hey guys we all know that the middle of the regular season is the deadest and most boring part of the season here. My suggestion is that we add one additional game sim day to each day’s sims. This would effectively cut the season in 1/3 making each day that much more exciting. A suggestion by @Quik since everyone will ask where will my extra couple weeks of TPE earnings come from? Is that right smarch smack(bad joke) in the middle of the season would be a doubles week for everyone thus negating the shorter season. What do people think? @Exlaxchronicles @Kendrick @Bushito @Banackock @Smarch @Beketov @Green @Will @boubabi random tags
  5. @Bushito what was the pay for being a GM?
  6. - The VHLM is looking the most active in years what do you think is causing this? - The Quebec Meute are stumbling just like everyone thought and looking like they are tanking. Thoughts on Quebec’s future and do they have a solid core to build around? - If you were a VHL GM what players would you be looking at 1-5 at the draft with so many first gens? - Just won my first fortnite game last night after playing 121 games.... I won my next 3 afterwords in a row. Am I cool now?
  7. If you keep up earning TPE I can see you being a Top 5 pick with those stats
  8. https://imgflip.com/i/25d8fk Valid Meme too lazy to resize
  9. True but I’ve already planned my next character and when I’m making him
  10. If I made a 2nd I wouldn’t want him and I only want my players to be HoF caliber(even though Louth sucks) I don’t like the idea of putting half effort in
  11. Rival mags would be better monopoly’s don’t inspire creativity.
  12. If someone else offered them contracts I’m sure they wouldn’t have signed with there teams.
  13. It changes a lot... free players vs having to spend picks on them.
  14. @Devise @Will @Beketov @Smarch VHLM Mag?
  15. With recruitment and GMing and VHLM Commish duties don’t have time for a second player unfortunately. Wish I didn’t have to play on my GM team but it’s ok since I was drafted by Quebec.
  16. Thats disapointing... I’ll hopefully change that when Quebec’s dynasty comes into play.
  17. I consider my player and my role as GM differently I hope other General Managers do aswell
  18. Most people see there players as singular people not resources for there potential team.
  19. Not the blow out I was expecting!
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