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Everything posted by Beaviss

  1. That's nice of her!
  2. warsaw won the cup and he said he would tat himself if they did. F in chat for the abomination of a player!
  3. you are ruining the discussion smh
  4. you @Devise?
  5. thank you! Is it hard to read everything upside down?
  6. The Horny Police is corrupt and must be taken down!
  7. Welcome to the league! Let me know if you need any help getting started or if you have any questions!
  8. Welcome to the league! Let me know if you need any help getting started or if you have any questions!
  9. Don't steal my thing nerd.
  10. @FonziGG being deleted
  11. Continuing incoherent rambling
  12. angry text because of differing opinion
  13. Forum Content
  14. Answers: 1. I cant wait till the golfing season starts again. This year I'm hoping to constantly break 100 and occasionally break 90. 2. I think VSN needs to come back in some respect or something to create more hype and drama in the league. 3. Trades and the draft. To be honest its the most exciting part of the season since I enjoy the management aspect of the league almost more than being a player. Questions: 1. As a way to early prediction who is your favorite for the cup next season? 2. What is your pump up track before the game? What song really gets you ready for gameday? 3. If you had to be traded would you rather know before the trade or would you want to be surprised!?
  15. you got to earn it nerd, you don't get given it other than dmax's case.
  16. congrats to Pistol Stamin @DMaximus for winning the most fights without a loss last season. Lets see if that streak can continue!
  17. The VHL World Heavyweight Champion is the person that defeats the current champion in a fight in a playoff or a regular season game. (preseason and tournaments do not count) Link to: Old Thread Rules: To become the champion you must win a fight against the current champion. Ties go to the title defender. If a player retires as the title champion it goes to the next player that wins a fight in the next season. You can win and lose the title multiple times. It does not transfer to recreates. If a Champion goes an entire season without a fight you get stripped and the title is given to the player with the most fights won. Past Champions: Hunter Hearst Helmsley @Beaviss Hulk Hogan @FonziGG Benny Graves @STZ Hiroshi Okada @enigmatic Jerry Garcia @GustavMattias Owen Nolan @studentized Nethila Dissanayake @nethi99 Disgraced Champions: Jerry Garcia @GustavMattias Nethila Dissanayake @nethi99 Current Champion Pistol Stamin @DMaximus Title Belt: Need a new one if someone wants to make one
  19. Review: Very well written and formatted and the use of italics for texted is a very underrated way of adding flavor to an article. It would be nice to add a picture or something but that is just nitpicking at that point. Solid article and I look forward to reading these weekly. 9/10 since nothing is perfect.
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