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Everything posted by Beaviss

  1. Review: Good article even though the result sucked. It had titles, bolding and good grammar but the lack of pictures or even team logos makes it a little plain IMO. If some color and or team logos were added it would push this solid 8/10 to a 9/10. All in all good job and a good read.
  2. 70. What are your overall thoughts on the Bears season? While we didnt end up winning the cup we made a good step forward into becoming a power house in the future. 71. What are your overall thoughts on how your player did? Played in the E last season and didn't really pay attention to what they were doing. Hopefully they were good lol 72. Who do you think wins in the next round - Calgary or Vancouver? Vancouver wins this handily. Meta team might lose 1 or 2 but will win overall 73. Who wins between Moscow and Malmo? Moscow is the better team but malmo could surprise. Id pick Moscow for this one. 74. Of the two you picked, who wins the cup? Vancouver wins it easily just because of the meta abuse. 77. What is something you've done lately that was a "good time" or you enjoyed? Went out on New Years and got really banged up at the pub for the first time in a couple years with friends it was an experienced I definitely missed.
  3. Credit @FonziGG
  4. ill apply! its my been one of my dreams to help break a team curse either as a team or a GM id love to do that for Davos!
  5. I think I see the common denominator
  6. 1. I think I like asking people questions more than answering them what do you prefer? 2. from all the VHL eras you have witnessed what was the most interesting? 3. if you could put an expansion team in any city which would it be and what would the team name be? 4. backing off the last question what would the color scheme be? 5. If you could move anywhere in Canada where would it be and why? 6. What would your player do if he wasn't in the VHL?
  7. what if I dont have a minecraft account
  8. Where can I send the secret society welcome basket?
  9. Ill prob do a daddy sim run after christmas get ready
  10. Good photo choice
  11. Come back to the league!
  12. Looks like ill be playing daddy sim....
  13. “It is illegal to have sex with a sentient military-owned tank in Japan. A private tank is fair, but a military tank can’t consent and it’s considered defamation of military property... Even if she’s super flirty and very much interested in you.” wut
  14. 1. How well do you think your player is doing? Decent I guess... I thought he would be scoring more but thats just the luck of the draw. Getting lots of hits and SB's for a forward though! 2. What do you think of our trades? Good. Hopefully it helps our depth and we can make a long run. 3. How well do you think the GM and AGM have done so far? Decent enough job if you look at the standings thats all that really matters. 4. What is an underrated movie? Warrior - Fighting movie about two brothers at different stages of their lives. Awesome movie that a lot of people have never seen. 5. What is your comfort show? The Witcher. God tier TV and its part of my favorite fantasy universe. 6. If you could change one sports moment, what would it be? Canucks winning game 7 of the SCF in 2011.
  15. Ok nerds since Jardy has narrowed it down. for https://store.steampowered.com/app/654880/Dream_Daddy_A_Dad_Dating_Simulator/ for Monster Prom Deadline 2 days from now.
  16. Reduced roster sizes = less tradeable assets = harder to make trades
  17. not on steam nerd
  18. I rather do literally anything else with my time.
  19. key word to remember = STEAM
  20. a good game plz
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