70. What are your overall thoughts on the Bears season? While we didnt end up winning the cup we made a good step forward into becoming a power house in the future.
71. What are your overall thoughts on how your player did? Played in the E last season and didn't really pay attention to what they were doing. Hopefully they were good lol
72. Who do you think wins in the next round - Calgary or Vancouver? Vancouver wins this handily. Meta team might lose 1 or 2 but will win overall
73. Who wins between Moscow and Malmo? Moscow is the better team but malmo could surprise. Id pick Moscow for this one.
74. Of the two you picked, who wins the cup?
Vancouver wins it easily just because of the meta abuse.
77. What is something you've done lately that was a "good time" or you enjoyed? Went out on New Years and got really banged up at the pub for the first time in a couple years with friends it was an experienced I definitely missed.