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Everything posted by Spade18

  1. I support you in this endover, you brave, wreckless soul
  2. It's the only thing I know how to be
  3. @BeavissI want you to know it was me who scored the game tying goal, and assisted on the game winnging goal. also @chicago, is this like... our first shut out?
  4. Chicago's 1st game - ? Chicago's 2nd game - ?
  5. bro why do I feel like chicago only plays 1 game a set. Everyone else has played like 10 games and we have 5. Edit: I was one off both ways. it was 9 and 6
  6. @chatfan036 I've been instructed to thank you for us losing the ability to tag members and I am an absolute slut for the blue team. So from the bottom of the dark recess where my heart once resided (resode?), Thank you
  7. No worries dude. These are tight! Thank you!
  8. Did I miss training camp? I dont see threads for it anywhere. Did it change how we do it?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Spade18


      @bigAL Thanks for the heads up! I highly doubt the blue team will fix it for me, ive been here way too long to get a mulliagn on this lol

    3. bigAL


      Ooof, well now you can rest easy knowing that the ship has sailed and you don't have to stress about looking for it haha 10 TPE isn't much anyways, you'll survive

    4. Spade18


      Some would say a missed opportinty, but lets be honest, i never really even had it

  9. Is the portal not working for anyone else?

    1. a_Ferk


      Rip portal. It's not working for anyone as far as I know

    2. fromtheinside


      probably has something to do with the new index coming out today. 

    3. mediocrepony
  10. You know I have to play hard to get
  11. To say this is a huge breath let out after 4 years is an absolute understatement.
  12. Weird! the map was watching updated it at some point this morning. BUT WHAT EVER. I'LL TAKE IT
  13. Associated Press has called Arizona for Biden today. No one else has, but..... HNNNNNG I CAN TASTE IT
  14. Can you expand on this a little more? I'm trying to type out a response but I think I'm missing the crux of your point.
  15. yea we're only allowed a certain amount BECAUSE THE MAN IS TRYING TO KEEP US DOWN! (I run out pretty much every time I log on)
  16. I LOVE politics. Get a geopolitics thread going so we can talk about Round 2 of the Armenian Genocide thats starting now, or the increasing military confrontations between India and China and I'll be here all fucking day.
  17. OH its certainly a simplified version, I'm at work so I cant write out the books I could on these subjects. I mean bungled as in the policial sphere of things. He's not a "politician" by his own admission so he's not used to playing the game under the table. He's a business man (loosly), so his style is more so "I say it and it happens". but for the most part, that shit dont fly in politics. If it were romney or cruz or someone who could play to the masses while having these decisions made behind closed doors, only for us to find out months later in a washington post article that no one reads, America would be in a MUCH worse situation. But let me also follow that up with the fact that my job services a Trump property. We're there every other day if not more, and I've run into him/seen and spoken with him at meetings/watched the way he interacts with and chastises his staff, and all that kind of stuff, and let me tell you the people around him do A SHIT TON of heavy lifting for him to come off as intelligent as he does.
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