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Everything posted by Spade18

  1. If he's still alive/not in jail in 4 years.
  2. Trump is the fall man for the GOP, He's the face of the issue, it's way more McConelle, Stone, Barr, etc. etc. The guys who have been in power for YEARS and all their plans are falling into place just like they planned. Can you imagine if Romeny, or someone even semi compitent in politics had won the republican nomination/presidency in 2016? Trumps bungling of EVERYTHING he touches has been really the only reason we are seeing just how much disgusting political corruption is coming out of DC.
  3. I honestly expected the Kyle Rittenhouse (or what ever his name was) to be the tipping point, but luckily the powder Keg wasnt filled all the way up then. Could you imagine if he shot those people anytime in the last two/three days?
  4. Yea my response to the bosnia thing wasnt a "WELP POOR PEOPLE, LOCK AND LOAD, ITS TIME TO SUCCEED" kind of thing. Its that we have 2 VERY POLARIZING political parties running the show here. And its been getting to the point where the valleys between us are not shallow enough to step over anymore, and too few are trying to build a bridge. While it is WAY MORE a republican/trump idea of the "YOUR NOT WITH US THEN YOUR UNAMERICAN", the left is begining to more outspokenly adopt that culture too. IF (big IF) violence were to occur in america, it wont be from this election. It will be the play of right being taken away from americans alla the now SUPER CONSERVATIVE supreme court which now has the ability to strip rights from women and homosexuals. It wasnt election night that convinced me to buy a gun, it was the appointment of Amy Coney Barrett to the supreme court.
  5. Do I actually expect civil war 2 to break out? Hell fucking no. But I dont actually have the time to list all of the ridiculous things that have happened in american politics in the last 4 years that I never in a million years would have expected. So no, I dont have plans to post up on my roof with a sniper rife and pick off anyone with a red hat. And yes, I do believe that once this election is said and done and Trump is no longer in office, America will settle CONSIDERABLY. But in the meantime, I am going to be ready to defend myself and my loved ones if god forbid it comes to that.
  6. It's more of a "worst case scenerio" things. The biggest thing right now is that the few checks and balances we have still in place as american people, are kind of firing and working right now. County vote counting directors and judges are not giving in to republican demands of additional access to counting centers (there are already pre selected representatives of each party watching the counters), they are refusing to inform Republicans of how the ballots are being delivered to the counting centers and in what vehicles (which they have been asking for which has TERRIFYING implications), and only the most loyal trump supporters are beliving his "I already won" bullshit, while even some of the more right leaning citizens are still saying "let them finish counting". But if one or a few of these checks and balances fell through and this election was ACTUALLY cast into doubt? We would be in serious trouble.
  7. Yea that would be less than ideal lol. Unfortunatley, The GOP and to a lesser extent the Democratic Party, continue to force people with the least into desperate situations. And desperate people in desperate situation make aggressive choices.
  8. You remeber the night before helms deep in lord of the rings? A lot like that. Stocked up on food, legitimately armed myself and my household. Trumpers are "gathering" (def not a protest/riot) outside polling facilities to either demand the counting stop, or demand the counting keep going, based on what ever works for them in that state, and Trump is sueing multiple states to stop vote tallying, or throw out counted votes. We are legit on the presupus of one lunatic with a gun firing a single bullet towards a counting station, or one bomb going off near a counting station, or trump successfully getting votes thrown out, etc. etc., to causing wide spread violence across the united states. This wont be a "north vs. south" or "urban vs. rural" but family member vs. family member, neighbor against neighbor. This is one of the strongest assaults on american democracy in the entire history of our nation, and the chaos over the next few months post election are going to forge america into a different nation than we're used to seeing. If Trump wins, I mean... what can I say that isnt already out there? More Russian collusion, more losing dick measuring trade wars, continued destruction of the middle and working classes, illegaly detaining and neuterring immigrants, greater divison of racial ties among americans, the continued deterioration of America on the world stage, the inevitable coming crash of the stock market after the GOP dumped the entire federal reserve into the market to falsify a "booming economy". Not to mention the tax hikes coming for the middle and working class which are built in to the 2017 trump "Tax Cuts", and how much everyone is going to be on the hook for when tax season rolls around and they realize the stimulus check the got from the goverment was taken from the pot that usually provides for our tax rebates and everyone is going to owe more money this year. If Biden wins, its not much better. We're looking at retribution from many armed and angry terrorist cells in the united states from the white supremecy groups, Biden has already put forth the whole "we need to move on as a country" completely ignoring that pile of felonies commited by the previous administration, showing there is no real retribution for the absolute laundry list of illegal shit they pulled and setting us up for a new, worse Trump down the road. Voter reform, health care, racial equality, etc. etc. are major issues in the U.S. right now, and Biden's plan is more so suffling the pieces around than actually fixing problems. Dont get me wrong, America needs Joe Biden to win. But as soon as he does, we need to turn around and start pushing him to actually help this country move into the current age. Dont expect there to be a "settled" america for a long time.
  9. I'm a big fan of only showing up for one game BUT REALLY SHOWING UP for that game.
  10. sigh, would have hit 40G this year but I didnt get played for the first 5 games ? oh well. next year.

  11. Matty Socks @fishy for Rookie of the year and you know its true.

  12. As soon as I'm allowed to cross the border again =(
  13. Congrats to all! NOW. Who ever gave me this one vote. please identify yourself. So I can spare you.
  14. Ban me daddy

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Spade18


      you treat me so good daddy

    3. Acydburn


      This is some new VHL fan fiction.... geesh

    4. Spade18


      yea.... fiction..... thats it.

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