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Everything posted by RadulovsFirstBeer

  1. No I understand. Didn’t mean to stir shit up just didn’t see a set date.
  2. Vhlm draft???? It’s really kinda discouraging.
  3. I’m sorry but I’m tired of cum stragglers on the corner asking for spare cups of cum. The cum economy is doing just fine and there are plenty of ways to produce plenty of cum. Stop with the cum handouts.
  4. If I do cum is the government gonna take it and ration to the public.
  5. No I know that all I’m suggesting is that if you have 2 players the max TPE you can carryover on your next player is higher. As of right now if you have 2 800TPE players there’s no reward for one of the players you worked hard on.
  6. Just wanted to post this here in case the mods aren’t aware of the media spot written on the subject. There needs to be an amendment on the 75 TPE max for carryover for the members who have 2 players. Many members could be turned off by not being able to carryover TPE that they rightfully earned with their other player. Was thinking a system like we use with welfare could apply. 2 400 TPE and above players- 125 max carryover 1 player above 400 TPE - 100 Max How would y’all feel about actually implementing something like this.
  7. I check that league out and looked at it for 2 hours. I still don’t know how it works.
  8. I’d say raise it to 120 if you finish with 2 players above 400 TPE
  9. Thanks man! Haven't done online signatures in a while so I'm glad you like it.
  10. LOL its a total coincidence. I actually named my guy after a player I had in a recent GM mode in NHL. High Top 9 Potential, grew to a 94 OVR SNP with 99 Accuracy and 94 Shot Power. Gets 60 goals per season.
  11. 1. Ivan Morozov 2. Aksel McKnight 3. Dragon McDragon 4. Kriztof Mueller 5. Lavar Ball 6. Adam Warlock 7. Otto Axelsson 8. ? Vladislav Koradek 9. Elias Karlsson 10. Paul DiMirio Jr
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