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Everything posted by HellBillyXIII

  1. IMO it would be ideal to depreciate them by age, and to do so at a rate that would make them unplayable by a certain age due to the regression forcing them into retirement.
  2. 65 Meute 66 Bears 67 Titans 69 Americans
  3. 33 Oslo 34 Ottawa 36 Las Vegas 37 Oslo
  4. Billy Pilgrim responds: “I will break Dragomir before draft, and be number one.”
  5. 1st win ?
  6. Closer. Hard time puttin up goals
  7. Rough start ?
  8. Review: 1,160 words. Perfect.
  9. Review: 1,200 words. Fun read
  10. Review: Word Count 970. Awesome job, great bio
  11. Review: 740 words, good story, well done.
  12. Home of the Yukon Rush Less than one week after the completion of the VHLM draft I find myself sitting in an outdated diner that stands next door to the home arena of The Yukon Rush. I am listening to the locals as I wait for Billy Pilgrim and the topic of the day just so happens to be the home team. These are fans who know the game of hockey, and love it. Amongst the chatter ot becomes clear that the fans are excited for the arrival of a new young defensive prospect, Noel Roux. They talk about their expectations of Roux, the coaches, last season. Unmentioned, however, is the the 2nd round pick of the Rush, Billy Pilgrim. Billy has always been the big man on campus, figuratively and literally, so stepping into the role of the unknown rookie is new ground for the 18 year old New York native. Despite all this when Billy walks into the diner, hair still wet from his post practice shower, he is greeted with smiles, cheers, and high fives. The rookie explains he loves this place because there is always a fan willing to pick up his tab. (HellbillyXIII) Hey Billy. This is a big adjustment for you, coming from being top dog then instantly your kind of low man on the totem pole. How do you cope with that? (Billy Pilgrim) It isn’t hard. I always felt like I hadn’t accomplished anything yet, that’s how I stay hungry, so I am comfortable with it. I know that anything I’ve done up to this point no longer matters, and I have got to come in and pay my dues. Im totally ok with that. I’m even looking forward to the challenge. (HB) Word is you're doing very well so far, and your coaches seem to be enamored with your work ethic. You have always been known adms a hard worker, and a good player, what do you expect to contribute to the Rush this upcoming season. (BP) Whatever is asked of me. If they want me to play 4 minutes or 24 minutes a game, I will be ready to do what is needed. I do expect to contribute immediately, and as far as season expectations go I always play to win, so anything less than a VHLM championship will be a disspointment. (HB) I’ve heard your old school training techniques have gained you some notoriety around the facility, any chance your going to go modern with your training now that you have world class facilities and equipment at your fingertips? (HB) Well, kind of yes and no. I’m eating egg whites and grapefruit now, instead of my usual fried eggs and bacon, so I am definitely doing what the team trainers ask of me, but they understand I got here doing things a certain way, so they kind of let me be in some regards. There is something so satisfying about doing things the way our grandparents did them. It feels right. At this point a young lady approaches Billy with 2 young children. Billy seems as excited to meet them as they are him. He talks hockey with the kids, laughs, takes pictures and signs autographs. Even if he isn’t taking to everything new about his role here, he seems to be adjusting just fine.
  13. Despite being drafted by the Yukon Rush 7th overall in the VHLM draft defenseman Billy Pilgrim remains unsatisfied. “It is my dream to play in the VHL. And to be the 1st pick.” Billy said. With a seemingly long road ahead of him and a group of good defenseman who entered the league with him (including team mate and potential line mate Noel Roulex) the odds are against him. But that isn’t discouraging Billy at all. “I am here for two things, to bring a VHLM championship to the Yukon Rush and to get better every day.” “I have got to train harder, practice harder, learn more.” Billy states. The young man is fully aware that in order to succeed at this level he will have to temper his hard work and expectations with patience, but that is easier said than done for the ambitious teenager. “I mostly want to get on the biggest stage so I can shownthe world I am one of the best, and to become a VHL champion.” Word Count: 172 Claimed Week Ending 2/25
  14. 1. Work ethic, love for hockey, and a passion for defense. 2. Seeing how i can impact the game and improving 3. No idea really, maybe Ottawa simce theyre reigning champs
  15. Week of 2/19 - 2/25 Billy Pilgrim, 7th overall pick of the VHLM draft and newest member of the Yukon Rush is now available for questions...
  16. D rayne @DeathOnReddit
  17. D- savard @DollarAndADream
  18. @Bushito at least 3 people here are in group 4 already...is that ok??
  19. Forsberg @DeathOnReddit
  20. F shawn gretzky @DollarAndADream
  21. G Ironside @DeathOnReddit
  22. Bo Boeser @DollarAndADream
  23. 1. Love it! Lot of fun so far. Good competition. 2. theres too many greats to pick one! 3. Nope! 4. Anything that i wear 2 of left side goes on 1st. Tap the defensive zones faceoff circles and circle the crease. Marking my territory. 5. Too busy training to have come up with one yet, but I do love a prank. Couple years ago, get this, I knocked up my best friends girl, AND HES STILL RAISING THE LITTLE SON OF A BITCH!!!! Hahaha. Yessir, i can be quite the prankster!
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