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About marshall_222

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  1. Is the first gen bonus in addition to the 30?
  2. Cool cool, seems like everyone starts with 30... then I throw 20 on top? I can work with that. Is it a decent time to enter a player?
  3. If I started up a new player how many points am I looking at off the bat? Anyway I can tie it into the former "Good" player I had instead of the couple false starts that never went anywhere? Would be an incentive to keep it going, instead of another false start
  4. Hey guys, life has gotten extremely busy for me lately and you may have noticed my activity has suffered as a result. Just letting all teams know for the next few weeks I will probably be virtually inactive as well. I'd like to come back when things get quieter but I wouldn't be comfortable promising i'll definitely come back either. Please take this into consideration when drafting, best of luck to the teams and draftee's!
  5. 3 TPE pls
  6. Quit hitting your own team then
  7. Ashton Galbraith Forward - Minot Gladiators Assists Points
  8. I would like 4 TPE pls
  9. Seth "420BlazeItFaggots" Rollins Can we make that happen?
  10. Can confirm, is lockerroom cancer
  11. I don't really post in a ton of off-topic forumy stuff but it doesn't mean i'm not active. I JUST HATE TALKING TO ALL OF YOU, GOD.
  13. I'm starting to believe our goalie might actually be a bear
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