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Posts posted by Sova

  1. Review: Another great pair of pads. I personally really like the touch you have given them with the tarmac and therefore making it more specific to Brick Wahl, i personally believe you could have gone further with it if you wanted maybe given the whole thing a different pattern that could maybe be inspired by brick stones. The colours go great with the team jersey and are allocated nicely. So once again great job and don't fear to go crazier.

  2. review: I dont feel so good mister stark.... but damn does this look good. Jokes aside i really like the effect that gives the whole cover a more action packed feeling and just makes it look even sleeker. My only small pet peeve is the logo that doesn't seem to fit quite right with the remaining lighting but that is nitpicking. I personally love this cover and besides the minor lighting issues it is almost perfect

  3. Review: Awesome work and some gorgeous goalie pads I like the idea of having the logo split so that it forms one big one during skating, maybe you could work some hidden meaning into it so that it has a different look in the different goalie positions. What would have made this even more awesome is to see this on a goalie but that might be a thing of the future and extreme amounts of work (just an idea). I personally might have changed the white to black on the edges to give the entire thing a darker look but that is just me, anyway awesome design!

  4. In the first view games the new German forward playing for the Ottawa Lynx, Mark Gebauer, has been making quite the impact and took up the mantle and is now leading his team in scoring. For an undrafted rookie, this is more than incredibly and almost no one has been able to predict this is it seems. His play has been lacking in other departments though, as many have expected his play with teammates was quite poor and so far he has only been able to gain one assist in 5 games, this is a stat that must pick up with Gebauer wants to be a valuable addition to the team and not only a goal scorer with little impact otherwise. Something that also needs to be considered is that even though his personal performance has been quite well his team is struggling to edge out wins against opponents and often succumb to teams that were not expected to be able to beat them especially considering Ottawa is the reigning champions of the league and losing some older players is no excuse to drop off so much.

    In summary, we can say Gebauer can be proud of his performance so far but he needs to play more closely with his teammates helping them to get on the scoreboard and also his team in general should try and reward themselves with some wins.

  5. review: First of all this is a great graphic I like it a lot. Everything just fits nicely its a great picture of a player with a nice editing on top that gives a special vibe. Especially for goalies, i like these kinds of calmer pictures that allow you to see the masks more closely and this is used to great effect in this graphic.

    The graphic is tidy and clean allowing to see everything at the first glance. Great Job!

  6. Review: The editing of this graphic is a bit unusual making it look somewhat like a painting rather than some sharp digital graphic. The jersey is adjusted and edited nicely only small parts of the neck area look weird to me but that might be only me. I personally am not a big fan of vignettes but it is used to a good effect in this graphic and so i think it was a good choice. all in all great effort and a nice simple graphic.

  7. Review: Great colour selection and editing to make it all fit together very nicely. The graphic is quite busy but the important parts namely name and face still stick out enough to make it not seem messy. The font is very fancy and quite nice even though there is a case to be made to use simpler fonts in order to improve readability at the cost of some style points. The grapic is impressive and shows a lot of experience and therefore is really well made.

  8. Review: This is a great graphic showing what kind of a player Hitz is. The simple background allows the for the rest of the image to shine and draw the attention. The only thing i might consider improvable is the size of his first name since it is quite hard to read but this is a really minor point. As I already said this is a high really nice and simple graphic probs to you.

  9. Review: Very nice colour scheme representing the Canadian heritage and also very cleanly edited together, although there are some minor resolution problems. On another note I personally find it to be a bit cluttered and the incorporation of the Yukon rush logo could have been done a bit differently (maybe on the jersey or a puck or something). 

    I also would choose another font for the name since this one is quite generic and doesn't add much and also you should try and make it easier to read by not layering things on top.

    All in all, this is quite a nice graphic and I personally like it but there is some room for improvement at least in my eyes.

  10. 1) Out of the players brought in through free agency/waivers post-draft (John Madden, Bobby Power, Brick Wahl, Mark Gebauer, Evgeni Komarov, Divaani Sohva, Finn Davison, Jonathon Hill, Kyson Blake), who do you think will go on to have the best career?

    Well I mean I have so inside information and therefore I am quite confident Mark Gebauer will do at least okay and so far he has had a great start.


     2) What are your thoughts on the player management section of the portal? Anything you'd like to see added to it?

    It handles really nicely I am liking it a lot.


     3) Who is the one member in the league who you would like to play on the same team as?

    That is tough I think its impossible to pick one.


    4) If the VHL or VHLM were to ever expand, what cities would you like to see represented?

    I think it would be great to get some Russian cities into the mix since it is more of a global league anyway so maybe Moscow Maulers?


    5) Who do you think will be in the top four picks in the Season 64 Draft Class?

    Pretty sure it will be Ryan Sullivan since he has quite the great start and also his position is quite sought after.


    6) What would you say is the best graphic that you've seen on the VHL?

    I have to agree with @Quik the banner is quite nice and I like how simple and clean it is.

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