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Everything posted by McWolf

  1. McWolf

    VAN/CGY; S73

    tbf, if Calgary is good, the 2nd rounder could be somewhere from like 28 to 32. Which would have been a mid 3rd in previous seasons. Expansion shifts pick values.
  2. S72 Founder's Cup winner Cassius Gardner @jhatty8
  3. I'll get more than 2 TPE per week in the SBA now lmao
  4. This reminds me of the Hockey's Future (RIP) prospect analysis where they'd give them a grade from 10 to 1 and a probability of them reaching that grade. https://www.hockeysfuture.com/playerprojections/ Also, just as a note, Top 6 usually refers to the top 2 lines, it will be confusing I think.
  5. Go. This is a challenge I'm setting for myself. Without checking a word count before the very end of the article, I'm going to write a VHL.com article about the fact that it's hard to make a story in only 150 words. I usually write VHL.com articles in one of two styles: - The bullet point article, popularized by flyersfan and hedgehog, where I just list 3 or 4 ideas and talk for 30+ words about each. These are easy enough to stop at around 150 words. Just don't add another bullet point after 150. Done. - The short news story. I like writing these the most, but whenever I do it, I realize by the end of it that I'm more in the Media Spot-range of 500 words than in the .com range of 150-250 words. I find it's hard to write a fun and interesting story in only 150 words. i.e., my last one which I ended up claiming as a Media Spot because it was 600-word long. Plus, if I'm not writing directly on wordcounter.net, I find it hard to guess how many words I got already. I'll look at the text and think 'yeah I need at least another paragraph', even though I'm probably already at 400 words. I need to work on that, I need to be more efficient with my writing. Stop. That was 224 words. Not too bad.
  6. Actually, fuck that, I'm claiming this as a Media Spot. I'll do another .com later.
  7. Why do I always write 500+ word .com articles?
  8. MALMO, SWEDEN ­- The year is Season 73. The date is Day 20. Due to a bizarre anti-tanking rule, the London United is forced to dress a bot and play it as their starting goaltender. Career door opener Clayton Park is stuck in his career role. The starter for the first ten games in London's rich history of hockey (S73-S73), Juan Jaundice, has been relegated to scouting duties. He's in the stands, somewhere, supposed to take notes about the game. We all know he won't do it, but no one else is going to hire him as a netminder and he's still on the United's payroll, so they kindly asked him to take notes. Tonight is London's 13th game of the season. They are playing in Malmo against a Nighthawks team that's one year removed from a 26-win season, the worst in the franchise history, even worse than their S67 inaugural season. Everything is pointing towards this being a terrible hockey game. Fans are not really sure what they are doing there. They seem confused. Whatever the final score of the game is, everyone is expecting this to be a lose-lose-lose kind of situation. The clock strikes 7 and the players take the ice. As it did the previous two games, London's bot goalie, officially named β-LDN G, slid to its crease in the most monotous demeanor. Just by looking at it, you understand that these bots were designed to be terrible. They're really only supposed to be better than guys like Park or Jaundice, whose careers have derailed down to this all-time low point where a bot is starting in front of both of them. When the Nighthawks fans see it attempt to skate to the net, only to be helped halfways by fellow androids β-LDN D2 and β-LDN C3, they understand their team possibly have a chance. You hear laughters, you hear joyful screams. The ambiance in Malmo has changed. Suddenly, the fans were hopeful. Oh. How wrong they were. What happened in the next 2 and a half hours could have been the plot of a B-tier Hollywood movie. Fuelled by the rage of being made into a laughingstock by fans of a team that was the laughingstock of the league just a season ago, the London United stood tall together and outshot the opposition 36 to 29. Despite visually not understanding how goalies are supposed to properly stop pucks and not playing along the lines of any known style, β-LDN G stopped each and every one of the 29 pucks directed his way. It was not always pretty. It sometimes even seemed dangerous for the bot and other players around, as his movements and the puck hitting its exoskeleton repeatedly made various liquids spill around its crease, creating the illusion that it was bleeding. Without surprise, the bot netminder was named first star of the game. Not understanding the core concept of it, the goaltender rushed back to the crease, as if duty called once again. β-LDN D2 and β-LDN C3 were once again forced to help it, this time off the ice, as fans of the Nighthawks, confused by the circus that happened before their eyes, chanted "BLEEDING, BLEEDING, BLEEDING!" Maybe they were trying to alert the bot that its oil was still leaking, but all it did was give it a new nickname. Forever an answer to a trivia question, BLEEDING became tonight the first goaltender ever to earn a shutout in the history of the London United. Team management is thinking of retiring his β number after this season, to both honour BLEEDING's efforts tonight, and prevent the league from ever forcing them to start a bot again.
  9. I thought it was Beta, the Greek letter and fixed, thanks
  10. Press Conference for the week ending on Sunday August 2. (1) 13 games in, we are sporting a 5-8-0 record, good for 13th in the whole league. Did you think we'd manage to record 5 wins so fast? (2) Due to an anti-tanking rule, we are forced to play to play a bot goalie named β-LDN G, pronounced BLEEDING, probably. He's actually better than both Park and Jaundice, so no harm done there, but how is it playing with an actual robot? Is it weird in the locker room? Does it shower with you guys? (3) Who's your favourite S74 Draft prospect and why should we pick him or her? (4) The points leaderboard is currently led by a pair of Los Angeles Stars veteran, Sigard Gunnar and Tyler Barabash Jr. Do you think they'll hold on to it? If not, who passes them and wins the scoring race? (5) How are we doing better than D.C., what's wrong with them? (6) Not really a question. Recommend me a song I have probably not heard before. @KC15 @TTtheT @MattyIce @SirRupertBarnes @Boragina @Biggreen10 @der meister @Ninjaboi @SeamusSv
  11. Individual scoring was going to go up for sure as teams went from 8-9 forwards to 6 in most cases. I don't think overall scoring is going to change much, but most players will play more, and it's especially true for the rookies with around 300 TPE, who would have been stuck on a 3rd line playing at most 10 minutes on most teams last season. Now they can almost all play top 6 minutes. Or even top line minutes in the expansion teams and possibly Malmo.
  12. @Enorama Hong Kong or bust Also yes to a Quebec team, rip the Meute
  13. https://vhlportal.com/players/playerfocus/1601 I believe @Josh is the one to harass in this case.
  14. Yeah I was mostly kidding. A 250-TPE bot goalie is not going to save our season.
  15. Oh wow, are bot goalies actually better than these 2 pieces of crap? I'll be honest, I totally missed that rule. I even got 2 of them to be sure I'd be able to rotate between them lmao. Will set the BOT goalie for the next sim. Sorry for tanking too hard haha
  16. Alec Volchenkov has reached 250 TPE 4 TPE
  17. 3-win streak for London Longest streak in FRANCHISE HISTORY
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