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Everything posted by McWolf

  1. Funny story: Hornet had 31 PIM last season, including 17 in his debut. He fought 3 times and was ejected once, but only got 3 minor penalties all season.
  2. Never saw that the index was out already. Will send lines later tonight.
  3. If I get back to doing them some day, sure.
  4. shootouts are dumb, ROW is the best tiebreaker
  5. Malmo is actually playing Davos in a best of 5 wild card round beforehand.
  6. would work so well for a Japanese player
  7. Welcome in the league @GoPens23, let us know if you need help getting started.
  8. Press Conference for the week ending on Sunday August 30th. 1. Our inaugural season is pretty much done - we only have 3 games left as of Monday morning - which makes this a good time to look back and analyze what our performances this season. Did you think we'd be finishing 2nd to last in the whole league? 2. We only had issues with hooligans a couple of times throughout the season. What's your most memorable hooligan-related moment of the season? 3. What are you going to do during the offseason? 4. The team's front office said they wanted live performances from local artists during the intermissions starting next season to make United home games a one-stop, must-see, multi-dimensional, spectacle. Who would you like to see perform on the ice of the London Coliseum? 5. Talking of which, the London Coliseum sounds kinda bland. What sponsor should we pursue to give our arena a name with a unique feel? 6. Predict one award winner for next season. Could be any award, any player or team. @TTtheT @MattyIce @SirRupertBarnes @Boragina @Biggreen10 @der meister @Ninjaboi @SeamusSv
  9. Claiming for Week ending on August 30th
  10. 1. Too many cooks in the kitchen trying to run things and no one willing to step back into a supporting role. 2. Gustav. He sabotaged us and pretends we're cursed to hide the fact he actually is a terrible GM. 3. I take Flintstones multivitamin supplement every day to keep doctors and extraterrestrial beings away. 4. Gustav's sabotage. It goes against the Frostbeard Rule. 5. It's Canada on both counts, and I'd say that the best Canadian player in the league at the moment is possibly Lincoln Tate. 6. Hornet played his last M season with the Aces. They are not the Bulls or the Marauders so their chances are as close to zero as imagineable.
  11. Damn that's actually pretty impressive. Both the 5 straight wins and the absolute collapse, I mean.
  12. Nowhere to go but up! I'l fact check that 3 in a row claim at some point
  13. still pretty impressive. A good season away from a big rise.
  14. VHFL Members Rankings SEASON 73 EDITION Hi everyone, welcome to this first edition of VHFL Members Ranking. Basically, I will be ranking members based on how many TPE they have won from the VHFL in the last 5 seasons. This won't be a subjective ranking at all; I won't determine if someone is better at drafting than another. We're only going to look at the TPE gained over the last 5 seasons and assign every past season a multiplication factor, just like the IIHF does with their own World Ranking. The way the IIHF does it is that every season that pass, previous seasons ranking values are docked 25%. So in 2020, points earned in the 2020 World Championship are worth their full value, points earned in 2019 World Championship are worth 75% of the full value, and so on until 2016; points awarded in 2016 World Championship are not impacting the ranking anymore. Translate that to the VHFL, I'm going to do virtually the same thing, but with 5 seasons instead of 4. Why 5? I don't know. I was compiling the data and took a break after backtracking 5 seasons. Never got back into it so now I have 5-season worth of data lying around and figured I would work with that. My initial idea was to backtrack until the first VHFL seasons and see who were the all-time best VHFL players, but I don't think that'll be as interesting as this. I might get back into it at some point, but for now I'm going all-in with this Members Ranking. Now, I don't know exactly where I'm going with that. I figured it would be something that's fun to do, but I also thought it could be interesting to maybe use the rankings when forming the groups in future season. I don't know. Instead of going randoms and having some strong groups, some worse groups, maybe force it so they all have top tier and bottom tier players in an equal ratio. Or purposefully make stronger groups where some of the best VHFL members face each other in an attempt to see which members come out on top when they are forced to draft against the best the league has to offer. It's just an idea, though. It can also simply be a ranking for the sake of ranking things, doesn't have to be used in any way. The Formula Since we are going with 5 seasons instead of 4 like the IIHF does, we are going to drop the value of past seasons by 20% for every season that past instead of 25%. The points we are awarding every season are the TPE their final position is giving them. So, 6 TPE for finishing 1st, 5 TPE for finishing 2nd, and so on, up to 1 TPE for finishing 6th and 0 TPE for not participating or getting disqualified. Since we are really only looking at the final VHFL results, I'm not considering the 1 TPE bonus awarded for members that managed their own groups. For this season's ranking, this gives us the following formula to calculate our point totals: Points = (S72 TPE) + (S71 TPE * 0.8) + (S70 TPE * 0.6) + (S69 TPE * 0.4) + (S68 TPE * 0.2) Just to put the formula in context, if someone was to win his group every season from Season 68 to Season 72, they would be awarded 6.0 points in S72, 4.8 points in S71, 3.6 points in S70, 2.4 points in S69 and 1.2 points in S68, for a grand total of 18.0 points. No one can ever go over that. On the other side of the spectrum, someone who finished 6th every season would get a final score of 3.0. Now, members could score less than that if they haven't participated every season. The real minimum points someone could score by participating at least once would be 0.2, with a 6th-place finish 5 years ago and no other participation since, but this is not really interesting for our ranking. The reason I have decided to go that way with the ranking instead of simply going with an average of the last couple of seasons is to avoid punishing newer members for their mistakes in their first couple of VHFL participations. We see this situation happen fairly often, new members are on their first player who's still in the VHLM, so they don't know too much about what's going on in the VHL. They draft based on what they know and, more often than not, they pick players that looked like they did well last season or, worse, they pick rookies that just got drafted early in the offseason. "I played with Groovy Dood last season and he did well, and he was justed drafted first overall; he'll probably do well next season in D.C., right?" But these same members could go on to become great at drafting and could become one of these members that you hate to have in your group, so it would be unfair to punish their ranking for their inexperience from many seasons ago. The Ranking So, the way I want to approach this is, I'll be segmenting the full 167-member list into tiers for every 2 points, and I will discuss some members in every tier. We're already around 1,000 words in, so let's just dive right in. Tier I: 14.0+ RK MEMBER PTS S72 S71 S70 S69 S68 1 @gorlab 16.2 6 4 6 6 5 2 @GustavMattias 16.0 5 5 6 6 5 2 @OrbitingDeath 16.0 6 6 6 2 4 4 @McWolf 15.8 5 6 6 4 4 5 @Tagger 15.4 6 6 5 4 6 @Victor 15.2 6 6 4 4 2 6 @rjfryman 15.2 6 4 5 6 3 6 @STZ 15.2 6 5 5 3 5 9 @Velevra 14.4 3 6 5 6 6 10 @Mr_Hatter 14.2 4 5 5 6 4 I'll say it once so he'll be proud of me: gorlab was gifted with the mad VHFL skills. OrbitingDeath isn't too bad either, fresh off 3 straight group wins. First thing you'll notice by examining this part of the table is the sheer abundance of 6s and 5s. You don't end up in this top tier without winning or coming close to win most of the time. These 10 members combine for 21 wins and 13 2nd-place finishes in the last 5 seasons. 34 top 2 finishes over 49 participations (looking at you Tagger, and your DNP in S68.) But how are these members consistently so good? Is there a way to draft that these ten follow mindlessly? We'll take a look at the position breakdown of this most recent S73 VHFL Draft and see if we can find any correlation. A tendency is easy to decypher here. In the first two rounds, our 10 top drafters have selected a total of 15 forwards and 5 defensemen, with everyone picking at least one forward. Then, in the third round, our members went with forwards only 3 times and with defensemen the 7 remaining times. Halfway through the draft, 6 of our experts had 2 forwards and 1 defenseman, 3 had the opposite, 1 forward and 2 defenemen and only 1, Velevra, went all-in with forwards, filling his 3 spots in as many rounds. Rounds 4 and 5 were mostly used to round out the rest of the team, with 4 members going for goaltenders in these rounds, while most of them opted to keep them for the ultimate round. There's not one secret recipe that makes you win everytime. I guess the best strategy is in finding value in the later rounds. I personally like to draft forwards early, because the big names usually score big, and I draft defensemen later because I find it easy to find some steals. If some others like gorlab and STZ are finding success by selecting defensemen early but getting good value with late forward selections, good for them. But then, what makes for a good value pick? How can these members determine which players are due to take a step up before the other members catch up on it? The answer is magic. Honestly though, I'm not going to give up my own way of picking late-round defensemen, but we'll take a look at the players these 10 members have selected the most often, just for fun. #1 might surprise you. PLAYER # Alex Bridges 4 A Red Guy 3 Cinnamon Block 3 Lance Flowers 3 Julius Freeman 3 Benny Graves 3 Jaxx Hextall 3 Thomas Landry II 3 Phil Marleau 3 Ray Sheilds 3 Alex Bridges comes at first, with 4 selections in 10 rounds. He's not the guy we usually think about when we talk about the VHFL and which players should be selected the most often. The rest of table is mostly populated by players you'd expect to see here: A Red Guy, Cinnamon Block, Lance Flowers, Julius Freeman, Benny Graves, Jaxx Hextall, Ray Sheilds. Ok, maybe you wouldn't have expected Sheilds to make the list in the offseason, but he had an insane season start and people started selecting him way early in their respective groups. The three that got him did so later than earlier, so they did find value with this pick. The other two that were selected 3 times, Thomas Landry II and Phil Marleau are not players that ever really scored a lot. Their career highs in goals and points are respectively 34 and 66 for Landry and 22 and 54 for Marleau. So why are they being selected so much? Because they hit. Simply saying they hit is a massive understatement; they hit a lot, and that ties in with the one tendency that might be easy to overlook, but possibly the most important of all. These 10 members' VHFL rosters are filled with players that are going to hit a lot. On average, their skaters have 79.1 Checking and 46.2 Discipline. All in all, there wer only two skaters selected by one of our elite VHFL drafters who has less than 60 Checking: Guy Lesieur, selected by Victor, and Jerry Wang, selected by gorlab. Alternatively, only one player selected by the same drafters has more than 60 Discipline, but Freeman's 80 Discipline is vastly overshadowed by his 90 Checking. Every skater taken by these 10 members had at least as much TPE invested in their Checking stat than in their Discipline stat; no one had a higher Discipline; Lesieur, Wang, Freeman and Hulk Hogan were the only four players with a gap of less than 20 between the two attributes. Hitting is vastly underrated when it comes to the VHFL, and this is something these 10 Tier I members understood literally years ago. Tier II: 12.0-13.8 RK MEMBER PTS S72 S71 S70 S69 S68 11 @DollarAndADream 13.8 6 3 3 6 6 12 @chillzone 13.6 2 6 6 6 4 12 @DMaximus 13.6 4 5 6 4 2 14 @Jayrad28 13.4 6 3 5 4 2 15 @Jubis 13.2 5 5 5 3 16 @Acydburn 13.0 5 6 3 1 5 16 @Dil 13.0 5 3 4 5 6 16 @enigmatic 13.0 6 2 3 6 6 19 @omgitshim 12.8 4 5 2 6 6 20 @GRZ 12.6 4 6 4 2 3 20 @studentized 12.6 5 4 4 4 2 20 @leafsman 12.6 6 4 4 1 3 23 @Jbeezy76 12.0 5 3 4 3 5 23 @hedgehog337 12.0 3 5 6 3 1 23 @jRuutu 12.0 5 1 6 6 1 In this second tier, we start seeing a bit less wins and a bit more bad performances. Still, there are only 3 members in this group of 15 without a group win in the last 5 seasons: Jubis, studentized and Jbeezy76. Most members here got a pattern of showing greatness one season, only to fall back down the next season. One good example of that would be our friend chillzone, who won his group three straight seasons from S69 to S71, but his ranking tanked because of the recency bias of my method. His 2 TPE last season really hurt him here. Maybe analyzing the positional breakdown of members in this tier, along with their own favourite players this season might give us an idea why they are slightly overshadowed by their rivals of Tier I. Quick parenthesis before we get into it: I said earlier that I'd love for this ranking to be used to form the groups, but in the meantime, it's a good tool to evaluate group strength. Upon seeing these first two tiers, I feel super bad for Group 4's newcomer @Crstats23, who had to faceoff against Victor (6), Velevra (9), DollarAndADream (11), hedgehog337 (24) and - we'll see him in the next tier - Patrik Tallinder (31). And with all odds against him, I look at his team and he did well. I wouldn't be surprised if he sneaked in the 3rd or 4th position. Once again, we can see the same kind of tendency that we saw from the 10 members from Tier I: no goalies were taken in the first three rounds, with a big focus on forwards in these same rounds. In fact, four members selected their three forwards with their top three picks and five others went with two forwards and a defenseman. The last three rounds were a mixed bag, with about as many players from every position being selected overall, as our 12 teams slowly filled their remaining roster slots. Nothing out of the ordinary here, compared to Tier I. Let's take a look at this tier's favourite players. PLAYER # Brock Louth 4 Lincoln Tate 4 Greg Eagles 3 Julius Freeman 3 Sigard Gunnar 3 Hunter Hearst Helmsley 3 Hulk Hogan 3 Jet Jaguar 3 Mikko Lahtinen 3 Erik Summers 3 Most selected players here are Brock Louth and Lincoln Tate, which makes sense. They are both high TPE stars on their respective teams. The rest of the list is composed of similarly high TPE players. Much less surprising results than for Tier I, where we saw guys like Alex Bridges and Thomas Landry II be selected so often. The most surprising common pick in tier II is probably Sigard Gunnar, but it's mostly surprising how well he's been playing this season. No one expected him to be the league leader in goals and points from literally day one, but truth is, he's been a reliable power hitting forward in VHFL for 2 seasons now, so it's not surprising to see 3 members trust him in their respective drafts. And that part about power hitting kind of ties in with my next point: CK and DI. The average skater drafted by a Tier I member had 79.1 Checking and 46.2 Discipline and, while the tendency towards drafting high-CK, low-DI skaters is still present among Tier II members, there's a non-negligeable difference in the results. In fact, the average Checking among these players is 72.8 and the average Discipline is 49.7 - a difference of -6.3 in CK and +3.5 in DI. Moreover, more players with low CK were drafted, as 7 different players with less 60 CK were selected, and 5 players even had a higher or equal Discipline: Guy Lesieur and Owen Nolan are both 40-40 in both attributes respectively, while Acyd Burn is 56-60, Micheal Gary Scott is 86-90 and Gabriel Gutzwiler is 40-60. I won't start saying these players are 100% bad picks because of their low hitting potential, but they're bound to end up with least points than their rivals with high hitting potential, just because of that sweet 0.2 point added per hit. The raw difference of -6.3 in CK and +3.5 in DI might not seem like a whole lot, but it means the gap is 9.8 lesser and, with 5 skaters on every team, that can start making a big difference in the end. Tier III: 10.0-11.8 RK MEMBER PTS S72 S71 S70 S69 S68 26 @.sniffuM 11.8 1 6 6 3 6 26 @MexicanCow123 11.8 5 5 3 1 3 26 @Ricer13 11.8 6 4 1 5 29 @CowboyinAmerica 11.6 6 2 1 6 5 30 @diamond_ace 11.2 4 6 4 31 @Patrik Tallinder 11.0 5 3 3 4 1 32 @Tape-to-Tape 10.8 6 6 32 @BladeMaiden 10.8 6 6 3 6 32 @bluesfan55 10.8 6 1 5 5 32 @Midnite 10.8 2 4 6 2 6 32 @Enorama 10.8 4 4 3 2 5 37 @Jubo07 10.6 1 6 3 5 5 38 @Advantage 10.4 6 2 6 4 39 @FrostBeard 10.0 5 3 1 3 4 And this is where we started to seeing a mixbag of patterns, I guess. Some people who draft really well most of the time, but missed their shot in one or two occasions. Some others who pretty much always finish near the middle, but participate steadily and get the low-hanging fruit that is the free TPE from participating and finishing low in the standings. In my opinion, there are three outliers in this group; three members with fun scoring patterns. .sniffuM, BladeMaiden, Tape-to-Tape. Two of them are extremely similar, .sniffuM and BladeMaiden won their respective group thrice in 4 seasons from S68 to S71, but then proceeded to score 1 or 0 last season. Their resume up to last year would have easily put them in the top tier, but one underwhelming performance last season single-handedly killed their ranking, which I feel is one of the issue with setting up the formula that way. It's a bit too late to go back though, maybe I'll adjust it before next season though. The third player in my shortlist, Tape-to-Tape, is the absolute opposite. He didn't participate in 3 of the 5 seasons used in the rankings, but straight victories in S71 and S72 gives him a total of 10.8 points, good for 32nd overall... tied with BladeMaiden. From now on, I won't do an advanced analysis on every member's S73 VHFL draft, like the positional breakdown and most common players per tier. They're very time consuming, and I feel like the results would get more random, as later tiers appear to be a mix of people being average on a yearly basis and people showing glimpses of greatness some seasons, then drafting a bit worse the next. The first two tiers were enough to tell the story I wanted to tell anyway and with 62 games played per team now, I think it's more than time to just finish this article and move on to some other things (like nothing, I'll be claiming that for 4 weeks, see you later!) Tier IV: 8.0-9.8 RK MEMBER PTS S72 S71 S70 S69 S68 40 Proto 9.8 5 6 40 @MMFLEX 9.8 3 4 2 5 2 42 @JeffD 9.6 5 4 4 3 42 @Big Mac 9.6 2 4 4 5 42 @oilmandan 9.6 3 4 2 5 1 45 @Greg_Di 9.4 4 1 2 6 5 45 @TXC 9.4 4 3 4 1 1 45 @ColeMrtz 9.4 4 2 1 5 6 48 @dasboot 9.2 6 4 48 @Mike 9.2 6 4 48 @Spartan 9.2 6 4 48 @zepheter 9.2 3 2 5 4 48 @Tate 9.2 1 4 6 2 3 53 @TTtheT 9.0 5 5 53 @Josh 9.0 3 1 5 3 5 53 @Phil 9.0 4 4 2 1 1 56 @a_Ferk 8.8 4 6 57 @Quik 8.6 5 3 6 57 @TheLastOlympian07 8.6 3 6 5 59 @Renomitsu 8.4 2 2 3 5 5 59 @Matt_O 8.4 6 1 3 2 59 @Corco 8.4 5 2 3 62 @TheFlash 8.2 1 6 4 62 @Seabass 8.2 2 3 2 5 3 62 @Bushito 8.2 3 1 3 4 5 65 @Erik Summers 8.0 1 6 2 1 3 65 @Cxsquared 8.0 1 3 4 4 3 65 @wcats 8.0 4 2 1 2 5 Our average tier, as finishing with 3 TPE every season for 5 straight season would net you a score of 9.0. Like in the last two tiers, we see some members getting average results year after year, others getting good results some years, bad results other years and, finally, some potential future VHFL greats, as we have 5 members with 10 total TPE gained over the last two seasons, their only two participations. In fact, dasboot, Mike, Spartan, TTtheT and a_Ferk are ranging from scores of 9.2 and 8.8 after playing only 2 seasons because they all got back-to-back top 3 finishes. I expect at least a couple of them will feature in a higher tier as soon as next season. Tier V: 6.0-7.8 RK MEMBER PTS S72 S71 S70 S69 S68 68 Jtv123 7.8 3 2 3 2 3 69 Nykonax 7.6 2 2 2 5 4 70 Beaviss 7.4 1 1 5 4 5 70 Rayzor_7 7.4 3 2 1 4 3 72 Anthony Matthews 7.2 1 5 6 4 72 fonziGG 7.2 1 5 4 3 74 Doomsday 7.0 3 5 74 solas 7.0 3 5 74 Sonnet 7.0 4 3 1 74 Esso2294 7.0 2 3 1 3 4 78 fever95 6.8 3 6 2 78 animal74 6.8 4 1 2 2 80 Kekzkrieg 6.6 1 2 4 3 2 81 BigTittySmitty 6.4 4 3 81 Philliefan 6.4 3 3 4 3 81 Beketov 6.4 1 2 1 5 6 81 Poptart 6.4 1 4 1 1 6 85 DoktorFunk 6.2 1 5 5 1 85 Matmenzinger 6.2 4 3 2 2 85 Motzaburger 6.2 2 3 1 2 2 85 DarkSpyro 6.2 4 1 1 2 89 ahockeyguy 6.0 6 89 twists 6.0 6 89 Sharkstrong 6.0 5 5 And this is where I stop tagging people. Except maybe a couple of them. @Beketov, how are you guys bad at VHFL? You've been here for literally a decade. Same goes to you @Beaviss. I remember being scared of having you in my groups when I started back in S62, but it seems like you're the one that should have been scared. Honestly, there's more players here that participated all seasons and just did bad everytime. The more I look at it, the more I think I will limit the ranking to maybe 50 names next season. There are too many people here who visually don't care as much about VHFL as I do. Tier VI: 5.8- RK MEMBER PTS S72 S71 S70 S69 S68 92 HearnNation67 5.8 5 1 92 McLovin 5.8 2 2 2 2 1 94 Berocka 5.4 2 1 2 1 5 95 Dalton Wilcox 5.2 3 6 5 95 BarzalGoat 5.2 4 1 2 97 Ahma 5.0 5 97 rory 5.0 5 97 Spence King 5.0 5 100 ng1291 4.8 4 1 100 VinCal 4.8 4 1 102 Alex Bridges 4.4 2 3 102 Z16 4.4 3 3 1 104 Ferda 4.0 5 104 flatl99 4.0 4 106 Zyrok 3.8 3 1 107 Banackock 3.6 4 1 107 pennypenny 3.6 2 2 107 NyQuil 3.6 6 110 Cornholio 3.4 1 2 4 110 Frank 3.4 5 2 110 LittleRiDog 3.4 5 2 110 Peace 3.4 2 1 1 110 HenrikZoiderberg 3.4 3 2 4 115 VanCanWin 3.2 5 6 115 KC15 3.2 1 5 3 117 Boragina 3.0 3 117 der meister 3.0 3 117 Elmebeck 3.0 3 3 117 Pengu 3.0 3 117 Sharkie 3.0 3 122 Walter Fizz 2.4 3 122 Nothing but goals 2.4 4 124 NumberJ5 2.0 2 6 124 Da_Berr 2.0 2 124 GrittyIsKing09 2.0 2 124 KnightRiley 2.0 2 124 ROOKIE74 2.0 2 124 SweatyBeaver 2.0 2 124 Zetterberg 2.0 2 131 Snussu 1.8 1 4 131 jacobaa19 1.8 1 1 133 SDCore 1.6 1 6 134 Sade 1.2 6 134 Elhandon 1.2 6 134 HughJas_ 1.2 6 134 Patpou22 1.2 3 134 BigBallerFromDownUnder 1.2 1 4 134 Grant 1.2 2 134 Kendrick 1.2 2 141 Kylrad 1.0 5 141 Aye my name jeff 1.0 1 141 Bacon 1.0 1 141 bigAL 1.0 1 141 eaglesfan036 1.0 1 141 Hylands 1.0 1 147 Smarch 0.8 4 147 Brrisbrr 0.8 4 147 Bruins10 0.8 4 147 MetalToday 0.8 4 147 FBR 0.8 4 147 StamkosFan 0.8 4 147 scoop 0.8 1 154 DizzyWithLogic 0.6 3 154 Thatguy91 0.6 3 154 Gaudette 0.6 1 1 154 JDGraves 0.6 1 158 majesiu 0.4 2 158 TukTukTheGreat 0.4 2 158 jack 0.4 2 158 Joubo 0.4 2 162 SidTheKid87 0.2 1 162 Steve 0.2 1 162 Sullvino 0.2 1 162 MacH 0.2 1 162 Juddy 0.2 1 162 Bucky___lastard 0.2 1 And this is where it ends. I'll literally only tag 2 members here: the only 2 who scored so low despite participating in all 5 seasons of VHFL. Keep it up @McLovin, @Berocka. Nowhere to go but up! I don't know why I'm still doing this. I could lie and say I'm word padding now, but truth is I went above 2,000 words somewhere while I was talking about Tier II I think. I'll just stop now. This will be better next season, I swear.
  15. So the one stat that makes Burrows better than the others is the one stat that's absolutely insignificant.
  16. Great career with Mikko. Good luck with Ove!
  17. we stole a point from a much better team though
  18. would "æ" not work? could always write it "ae". 1 vote for VECTOR though
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