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Everything posted by Banackock

  1. Process the trades 

  2. Good luck on next one!
  4. Off-season is cancelled. Sorry guys!
  5. Bana's S79 Quick Q's - Off-Season Edition Press Conference Rules Seattle Bears Team Page FA List S79 Draft List 1. Thoughts on how the Bears season ended? 2. Rumours have spread but apparently Warsaw parties pretty hard. What things have you heard about them partying with the cup? TAG EM! 3. What are some FA's you wouldn't mind Seattle talking to or you would like to play with? 4. Thoughts on how your player did last season? 5. What are your predictions for your player in this upcoming season? 6. Seattle currently has CGY and PRG 1st's in this S79 Draft. Who would you target if you were GM? 7. What are you doing in the next coming weekend? 8. What team has had the best off-season so far? 9. Has anything surprised you so far this off-season? 10. Thoughts on Seattle trading @BladeMaiden? Anything you'd like to say? 11. @MattyIce retires early. He's gone! Did the team or you get him a retirement gift? What's his plans in retirement?? 12. Now that the NHL has ended, what sports/ teams etc are you paying attention to? @Shiny @Kendrick @Victor @InstantRockstar @FrostBeard @aksuko @Rayzor_7 @Grant @gregreg @a_Ferk @16z
  6. Banackock

    DAV/HSK; S79

    Big price and all that, but moved some cap/contracts and gained a big player.. Each team gets what they want. As long as it works out for both..
  7. Haven’t heard yet, hehe. Will listen tomorrow
  8. Or, option 3, both. Jokes! Depends who you probably ask but you were excellent in all categories for us. All boxes checked. I really hope you and Prague kick some ass together
  9. Banackock

    PRG/SEA; S79

    Of course. Always! #NoTamperJustPamper
  10. Please!
  11. Ugh, lol... Was not a happy or easy trade! I will miss the twins and Hilary Knight being in the LR, lol.
  12. Pretty solid squad! Final tour for @leafsman !
  13. Awesome!
  14. Banackock

    PRG/SEA; S79

    Thank you for your time in Seattle, @BladeMaiden. Was awesome having you and one of your players here! We came very close as I said we’d try to do. Thanks for helping us make that happen. Happy you’re going to another place/GM you enjoy too. Everyone wins in this one! @diamond_ace thanks! Sorry it took the night.
  15. @Walter Fizz GG
  16. @VinCal recreate time? Not a bad career all things considered
  17. @Zyrok !!!
  18. Them were the days… BOBBA!
  19. Maybe make the red outside darker than the coat?
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