What a great week and weekend it has been overall and what a very special day it has been. I've been incredibly busy with work and everything going on, but things in the VHL have been going "swimmingly". Was gonna do this as a normal blab for VHL.com, but turned out to be media spot length and I am feeling lazy this week, hehe. Let's not even waste time and just get into the blabbing, OI?!
Let's build the tempo slowly but then quickly, okay? We beat Calgary climbing back from being down 0-2 and 1-3. Throughout the entire series I was very concerned with our position - even before it started. With the start that Calgary got, I had good reason to feel that way. Somehow, with a line change and bit of luck, we clawed back. When we made it 1-3 (first line change I believe), I still didn't think we'd come back though! It was a positive sign that we won a game, but 50% wasn't gonna cut it when you needed 300% the remainder of the way. One more quick line change reverting back to a certain set with a combo from the season and we somehow did it. There's a lot of people I like on Calgary and the team is full of excellent players and members. Some I'm fairly close to. @Ricer13 was a member of the Bears, we do have some interesting history being on opposing teams and we talk quite a bit. I really respect him as a person and member on the site, appreciate and value his opinion and with his new role, also respect the him as a manager. They built an excellent team this year and he really put wood on the fire at the end of the season with some trades. To the point that Calgary became hot at the end and made some damn good noise. I root for them too but nice to move on!
We beat Chicago 4-0 series and I think were told we weren't classy (and were toxic) despite being the only team, manager and players to wish the other team good luck and were the only team to tell the opposing team "good series" or "good season" etc (or comment GG day 1). I reached out before the round started and wished them the best of luck (even if I don't like Jeff), told them Chicago scares me and yeah, GOOD LUCK (and meant it). Hell, even after the series ended I said "good season, Chi" and did an NHL hand shake thing in the GEN Discord to which it was mocked by another gif by their leader. Bad blood between the teams and probably for reasons that are first world problems. I mean, we were a bit salty a couple seasons ago losing to a team we found to be weaker. It is what it is. Basically, there's always two sides and it isn't always as black and white as people seem to think or make it seem. Most of Seattle (frigging @gregreg) wished Chicago well, showed respect and didn't toss anything until it was thrown our way. Probably shouldn't throw stones if you live in a glass house. Very happy to sweep them. What a time in our LR! Best series win in a very long time! I still extend well wishes to most as they're a good team with good people but that victory was too damn good!
Prague and Warsaw fight it out to head to the finals. Warsaw scares me because their offense is absolutely lethal. Similar to us probably winning all the time, it doesn't make sense as they use different strats and blah blah. It works though and it's just something I've never done. They're a good team and have been very, very dominant for a long time. This could easily be their season. On the flip side, you have Prague. They've been battling to get to the main stage for a long time and while I think they're a bit of the underdog, it's doable. They're tied 2-2 in the series. With the right luck, chemistry and lines, it's possible. I like people on both teams but have known DA for so long that I have to root for Prague. GOOD LUCK TO BOTH!