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Everything posted by Banackock

  1. @Taylor S who your boyfriend?
  2. It was great getting to know the ISFL commissioner, DarknessRising. Exciting opportunity in which we begin a friendship with an amazing group. Been a few weeks in the works, but awesome to finally get it out there for everyone to enjoy. He’s also from Sydney, so pushing REAL hard to get another Aussie in the league.
  3. AFFILIATION: VHL/ISFL. More coming later today!! 

  4. I can promise you that your job posting will come sooner.
  5. May 11th, 2024. 8 years as Seattle Bears GM. A little late but thats okay!

    1. Advantage


      Retire you scrub

  6. Damn, I missed it by a little bit.. but 8 years this May 11th for being named Bears GM! Crazy to think about honestly..
  7. Who here likes football? 

    1. leandrofg


      Football, football, or American Football? 'cause I like both, but I want to know what we're discussing.

  8. And a first round ass whooping courtesy of Moscow.
  9. GYRO!!! @Gyro Souvlaki welcome
  10. Congrats @mattyIceman good luck in the role.
  11. Would also be cool to add a discord button somewhere so they can click and accept an invite or something?
  12. @Terencetem welcome! Good luck creating a player bud
  13. Banackock

    SEA/DAV; S94

  14. Sweet. Welcome again! @David VanHousen
  15. @David VanHousen good luck making your player! Follow instructions above wooooo
  16. https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMMcSdmme/
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