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Everything posted by Banackock

  1. @BladeMaiden I'm only going to touch on this once and then leave it at that. The league was growing quik and for its entirety, it's been a 2 line league. Rosters were filling up - everyone was quite vocal with it. It was also quite apparent in numerous ways. You could browse the stats pages to see low ice minute by extremely new members. They don't join this league to automatically get 5 minutes a game and feel as though they never have a chance to be good. You could also see the lower retention, others slipping and the obvious of the sides. 3 is a lot and the league did also want 4 but I wasn't the greatest fan of "having too too much". If we have too much, that's better than too less unless it's an extreme amount. In this case, we feel we don't. Adding one team would have solved nothing and adding 2 maybe have checked off all the boxes with little room to squeeze. As @Beketov mentioned, we want to be done expanding for a while and focus on other areas now. As for the draft, I've learned over the last 23 seasons straight of GMing that not always are thing going to be easy, not always are things going to be fun and not always are things going to be fair. You're not going to agree with everything the league does, says or decides. You say it as if we're purposely trying to screw you over. We understand what it could mean for some teams, but our interest is the betterment of the VHLM and it's members and this was it. It doesn't really decrease the value of picks. I mean, it does in a sense because you're adding more and pushing later ons after the 1st down the ladder. Sure. But as @Nykonax said I believe, draft smarter. Do your homework. Live with the fact that things are different. It's part of it. There's no avoiding it. It does affect some teams more than others but you have to remember and stop comparing the turnover rates from the VHL to the VHLM. The VHL is much lower and the VHLM does so quickly. I'm sure you're already learning that and because of that, you'll be fine. We have a strong group leading the way in all corners of the league right now. Philadelphia will make it through.
  2. Fortunately for you, I JUST posted the Hiring thread... ?
  3. Well, if you didn't see yet, the VHLM has expanded and added 3 teams. Mississauga Hounds, Mexico City Kings and the San Diego Marlins. We feel as thought it's best we find GM's sooner rather than later so that they can properly plan and get settled into their roles. With that being said, if you wish to apply for one of these jobs, apply in this thread. Thanks, @VHLM Commissioner
  4. Banackock

    VHLM Expansion

    VHLM EXPANSION I think when people first heard about expansion again, they were like "No way. That's seemingly fast". He were are - once again expanding. So many things that are making each league and the entirety of the VHL stronger and more vibrant. The portal. Those in charge. Recruitment. Better retention. Whatever it is, it's working. This season, we decided to stick in North America. It's what makes sense for the VHLM and how it's currently structured PRE-expansion. While that may not surprise you.. I think the locations and names of the teams will (which you can see below *SPOILER*) but I like each one and the logos and ideas are all bad ass. I hope you enjoy. Below are team announcements and how everything is going to be structured etc. NOTE: GM Jobs will be selected through the normal open applications process. Thread will be up... SOON! TEAMS: Playoff format: Lottery: Dispersal Draft/Expansion Draft selection spots: Expansion Draft + Protect Lists: AND one last final, minor announcement... Philadelphia Dispersal "Compensation" Pick
  5. Awesome tournament and an even better ending. Canada tends to be a powerhouse and while actually Canadian in real life and would always want them to win, it never upsets me to see them lose in these leagues. Congrats to everyone involved - especially to Europe on clinching GOLD! Also, big thanks to @BladeMaiden and @FrostBeard for being this years commissioners and helping out. Can't wait until next seasons!
  6. VHLM Expansion announcement.. 8PM EST

  7. As I'm sure most have already seen and know, @Jubo07 has decided to step down as manager of the Las Vegas Aces after a very strong career and numerous of successful seasons. While doing so, he left us with a list of recommendations on who he felt may be suitable for the position - to which myself and @diamond_ace took into consideration. The list involved 4 members, all of which were top notch selections who could very well have a GMing job one day. HOWEVER... He's been an amazing presence on the Discord, a strong member around the boards and an active contributor to the league daily. He's one of my favourite newer members to have joined the site and they (whoever) would be lying if they told you it has something to do with us both being Albertan. Ladies, Gentleman and @Esso2264.... The new GM for the Las Vegas Aces... @oilmandan Best of luck in your role. @VHLM Commissioner
  8. Something about poise and beauty
  9. This is fucked.
  10. VHLM Announcement... Tonight?! PLUS, Vegas has a new GM... find out... SOON

    1. nethi99


      Yup everyone will be surprised 

  11. 1. What Beketov said 2. Those numbers are against the amazing NYA squad. Best of luck We’ll see what playoffs have in store for us. Never up to us or the roster. STHS has predetermined who wins.
  12. Another solid game but can't quite get it done!
  13. Strong game by both goalies - especially NY
  14. Banackock

    Shuffling the Deck

    Again, thanks for your time as GM of the Aces. You were always a guy we could count on and you definitely delivered in terms of being a dependable and stand out GM for us. Being on my 23rd straight season GMing on this site, I know the efforts, time and commitment it takes to be a manager. Never be scared to come back to VHLM GMing! As noted, recommendations have been made and @diamond_ace and myself have discussed and ultimately came up with a decision. We’ll be reaching out momentarily. Ciao.
  15. You must list your player name and position or else I will not be counting your tpe for you. You have until the conclusion of the VHL playoffs to complete this. 1. Before the end of the VHL playoffs, players that want to and are eligible for TPE bonuses from the VHLM must declare in this thread their PRIMARY stats for tracking throughout the REGULAR SEASON. These stats will then be tracked for BONUS TPE and can be declared anytime throughout the season. 2. Unless a declaration is made in this thread, players will not receive BONUS TPE at the end of the season for their achievements. This thread will be locked upon completion of the VHL playoffs. 3. Inactive players cannot have their declarations be posted by their team GMs. 4. The following stat achievements can be declared for skaters: Goals Assists Points Hits Shot Blocks +/- Rating Faceoffs Won 5. Forward Achievements (Choose 2): Goals/10 Assists/12 Points/10 Hits/30 Shot Blocks/15 +/- Rating/6 (Above +0) Fights 2 points per fight FO Won/150 6. Defensemen Achievements (Choose 2): Goals/5 Assists/10 Points/7 Hits/30 Shot Blocks/20 +/- Rating/6 (Above +0) Fights 2 points per fight 7. Goalie Achievements (All APPLICABLE) WINS/5 40 Games Started = 5 TPE Save % 0.900+ = 5 TPE Save % Sub 0.900 = 2TPE Shutouts = 3 TPE per SO 8. Declaration Form Format (Put choices in the order they are listed) Player Name Forward/Defenseman Choice 1 Choice 2 Example Mitch Higgins Forward Assists +/- *Please note that goalies do not select any choices, but must submit a TPE declaration. 9. S67 Prospects are not eligible 10. The VHLM Achievement Tracker is capped at 20 TPE per player, with a minimum cap at 13 TPE per player. 11. TPE from the Tracker cannot be applied to your player until the payout thread is posted by a VHLM Commissioner @VHLM Commissioner @VHLM GM @Commissioner *EDIT* It's not simply that the minimum goes up to 13, it's that whatever the formula gives you, add 3 to it. So if you'd otherwise have earned 13, you now have 16. You still max out at 20.
  16. HHH may be good, but boy, did Vancouver ever get pedigreed hard this season. 



  17. HYPE. Cant wait until we see Vancouver relegated into the M next season!
  18. Mississippi is easier to spell than Mississauga - fuck you dictionary. 

  19. FWIW, Kovalchuk did not bring lube.
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