Not gonna really read through others questions but maybe got a few of my own.
1. What other areas are you looking to explore?
2. Rate how well you've done thus far.
3. Expectations for the present and future of recruitment?
4. Any new things/announcements or ideas we can expect to see soon?
5. Any thoughts on a recruitment drive and potentially revamping it? It seems there isn't enough initiative for most to recruit during it - so most others say "ah, others will do it and I don't need to". Thoughts handing out new rewards for members? Say - 5 TPE for your 1st recruit and 2 for the next and having milestones for each level? Ex 1 = 5 TPE, 10 = double week etc.
6. How's that advertisement graphic coming?
7. Any big sites you're looking to reach out to?
8. Is there anyway we can make VHL be the top hit on google? Or make it one of the top for words like "hockey" etc?